  • 學位論文


E-sport development and trend- Case Study of Garena、Tencent、Blizzard and UBI

指導教授 : 張勝雄


有鑒於現今科技蓬勃發展,電腦人手一台,手機更是身不離手,近八成的人每天花在手機上面至少兩個小時,可見現今電腦及手機對於現代人的影響甚深。無聊時,許多年輕人習慣於以手機遊戲或線上遊戲作為消閒娛樂;此外有些人更是喜歡觀看別人打遊戲的直播於網路平台-Youtube上遊戲破關過程的精彩畫面,均是於現今世代才出現的新型產業或是行銷模式。於20世紀初期,電子競技才剛開始起步,那時候尚處於摸索階段,僅一部分的參與者先行投入。一開始電子競技遊戲以街機模式進行,玩家聚集於一個地方以進行比賽;由於網路逐漸發達與普及,人們開始可透過網路對戰來互相競技,電子競技遊戲參與者開始逐漸增加,也揭開了後續電子競技產業蓬勃發展的序幕。 初時遊戲公司以大眾的休閒娛樂作為行銷定位,單機或是訓練等級打怪物的遊戲產品為主流,之後像CS絕對武力等電子競技遊戲慢慢地開始出現,各家遊戲開發商開始研發帶有觀賞性、獨特性、有技巧性、入手適中的遊戲,從更多面向的模式來進行新產品的開發,創造出風靡全世界的英雄聯盟這項火紅了數年的電子競技遊戲;自此電子競技產業開始蓬勃發展,韓國政府更是致力於推廣電子競技,投注巨額的電競產業發展資金,努力培育電競人才,以國家之力將韓國打造為全球電子競技大國之一,此外,電競產業發展更為悠久的地區如美國、歐洲等,更是經由成立許多俱樂部來培養各種電子競技遊戲的選手們。電子競技其實如同傳統的運動,每個參與者/玩家均為了比賽那幾分鐘努力了好多天甚至好多年,經由時間和經驗的累積進而成為專業的競賽候選人。本論文藉由分析四大跨國電競遊戲公司與代理商—GARENA、騰訊、暴雪娛樂、育碧娛樂所經營的遊戲,以分析現在競技遊戲興盛的原因,並提出對於未來電競產業可發展面向建議。


Due to the fast development of recent technology, most people have their own computer or laptop. Moreover, everyone is used to carry the mobile phone with him/her everywhere. According to the statistics, nearly 80% of people use their mobile phone at least 2 hours per day; you can tell that technology impacts us a lot in these days. When people who are boring, teenagers tend to play mobile games or online games as a hobby, in addition, more people like to watch others play games live broadcasting or videos on social media-YouTube, which are the highlights of other players in the games. This is a new type of industry and marketing strategy that emerges in this generation. In early 20th decade, e-sport games are just beginning to come into people’s eyes, which are in a groping era, only a few participants joined in this industry. In the beginning, e-sport is using Arcade to compete to each other; people get together to join a tournament. As the Internet becoming popular, people can compete each other online. From then on, e-sport gamers start to grow rapidly, and uncover the future of e-sport games. In the beginning, gaming companies positioned games as entertainment, stand-alone games or killing monster games as mainstream, after games like Counter-Strike become popular, game developer start to develop games which is amused to watch, unique, skillful and easy to play, using more aspects to research and development, and created League of Legend e-sport game which is popular all over the world for many years. Since then e-sport games grow quickly, Korean government also put effort to build Korea as an e-sport game country. Furthermore, the historical country such as America and Europe, they also build a lot gaming club to raise new e-sport gamer to become professional. E-sport is just like traditional sports; every player practices for many days and even years to be in the games, and improves him or herself to become professional. This research analyzes four well-known e-sport companies and agents through their games, and backgrounds. Implications and future business opportunities are then discussed.


1.陳東龍(民 94)『線上遊戲持續參與意圖之研究』,未出版碩士論文,私立東吳大學企業管理系,台北市。
2.資策會(民 92),『2003 年我國線上遊戲發展現況分析』,電子商務透析,2003/06。
3.維基百科。暴風雪娛樂。1 月 3 日。取自
4.暴風雪公司官方網站。1 月 2 日。取自 http://tw.blizzard.com/zh-tw/
