  • 學位論文


The Opportunities and Challenges of the IT Outsourcing

指導教授 : 蔡政言


資訊委外的優、缺點在近些年來的各方力推之下,各有其論點,其研究目的即在於對此一趨勢作深入的探討與剖析,並檢視其資訊委外服務的最終成效與其所造成的內、外衝擊與不同的思維。本研究從包含資訊委外的趨勢分析、資訊委外市場分析,資訊委外的目的、資訊委外的策略與優、缺點等不同的角度來加以剖析。 企業在近來邁向電腦化的過程中,為因應日趨複雜與龐大的資訊系統,為了能減輕龐雜的維護與管理費用,這也是資訊委外服務能夠在近年來盛行的主因。然而資訊委外在企業來說說有其不同的種類與決策考量:其種類可區分為四大類別:整體委外、選擇性委外、功能委外、業務處理的委外。其決策因素與考量點為資訊委外的原因與目的、資訊委外的內容與範圍、資訊委外的選擇對象。 多數的企業均採用選擇性與部分的委外策略方式,而非以全數委外的方式。其考量點不外乎是營運成本太高以及企業本身的技術能力不足。其同時也會面臨到的衝擊為人員的忠誠度不足與流失、知識的無法傳承、企業智慧財產的損失等重大影響。 相較於國外,國內的大企業委外的比例不高,約只有六成的企業將其資訊委外;有七成的企業企業在其資訊委外的投資金額不到百分之二十,「普遍缺乏信心」是造成IT委外程度低落的主因,「服務品質及支援能力是最大的考量因,「服務品質及支援能力」是最大的考量。 以兩項個案分析的結論均同樣面臨相同的委外缺失:委外廠商技術能力的不足、委外廠商內部溝通協調能力的問題以及委外廠商所記錄與追蹤的不落實等諸多弊病。 一開始對委外所能達成的成果的期望值太高以及所投入與應用委外的投資與方法有所錯誤 ,進而導致其委外不一定省錢,反而變成投資報酬率的差異過大。


It’s talking about the advantage and disadvantage of IT outsourcing in the recent years that carried out by every corporate companies,the purpose is that research and analyze for this trend,and review the final effect and impact of the IT outsourcing and its different thinking.This research is that from the trend、market、goal and strategy points of view. The companies is going forward to computerize,and face the impact of the multiple and complex computer systems,in order to reduce the cost of the maintenance and managing that is major reason for IT outsourcing.Thus,there are different types and strategies of IT outsourcing.The type are that total outsourcing、selective outsourcing、utility outsourcing、business process outsourcing.The strategies are that goal/purpose、scope、partner of IT outsourcing. Most of the companies choose the selective and partial IT outsourcing,is not total outsourcing.The reason are that the cost of the managing is too high,and technical skill of the companies is too weak, they also face the impacts that are loyalty lost、knowledge can not be kept going、intellectual property Loss. Compare with foreign companies,the rate of the IT outsourcing is not high,around sixty percent for IT outsourcing,and around seventy percent that is less than twenty percent of the investment for IT Outsourcing;the reason of the lower IT outsourcing is no confidence;the service quality and support ability that is major thinking. As two cases study that all face the same faults that support capability weakness、communication defect and tracking record is not clear and did not follow up. The initial expectation is too high that for IT outsourcing,and its thinking and investment are also making mistake,to caused that is not saving money;and the related costs are growing up.


McFarlan & Nolan(1995),“How to Manage an IT Outsourcing Alliance ” ,Sloan Management Review,winter,Pg 9–23。
「2003年資訊科技趨勢:海外委外代工」,Giga Information Group。
