  • 學位論文


A Survey on the Quality of the Malaysian Labour Force.

指導教授 : 蔡青龍


本論文的內容主要探討馬來西亞勞動力素質,並透過高等教育的方式來分析;一般而言,評價一國勞動力素質的最簡單客觀的方式,是以勞動力中高等教育數來做衡量,故本文以此為方向來做分析。 一般探討馬來西亞經濟情形,均是以馬國的外資廠商為切入點來做研究,本篇論文將以政府的角度為切入方向,主要研究人力素質供應的面向。而政府對於經濟政策的改變,造成教育市場和勞動力市場的轉變,在本文中亦有介紹。 在勞動素質方面,除了整體勞動力來研究,也將對於馬來西亞的城鄉勞動力素質、男女勞動力素質、行政區域間的勞動力素質、種族別勞動力素質等來做分析比較,有系統的探討勞動力素質的相關內涵。 最後,將與馬來西亞工業發展局(Malaysian Industrial Development Authority, MIDA)網站中所述:1. 『...在人力上提供給外資一個勤勉、有訓練和高教育的年輕勞動力…』;2. 『... 這些科技人才每年均有增加…』的兩種說法來做驗證,針對馬來西亞政府欲促使科技產業發展,而在教育政策上及勞動力素質上所做的措施來得到本論文之結論。本論文結論是,馬國雖然提供了勤勉、有訓練和高教育的勞動力,但在城鄉上和種族及男女上的差距有分部不均的情形;高等科技教育之畢業生及在學生,呈現每年都在增加的趨勢,而文商科系的學生卻有降低的趨勢;這些情形說明了馬國所能供給的人力素質是有所提升,但一般外資廠商對於這種層面的提升成效抱持什麼樣的態度,則需要以廠商的需求面為角度再進一步驗證。


The economic competitiveness of a country depends on the skills of its labor force. The skills and competencies of the labor force, in turn, are dependent upon the quality of the country’s education and training systems. So, I assumed that to measures the potential of this labor force is to calculate the quantity of highly educated students in Malaysia. This study analyses changes in the labor force quality through higher education in Malaysia, based upon 1990-2003 census and survey data. The labor force quality contains the comparable of urban-rural, sex, administrative division and ethnic groups. Despite much of the past discussion has focused on the demand of the foreign direct investment in the labor market, schools should prepare and supply future workers with appropriate knowledge and skills to enhance their productivity and, to promote economic growth. The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of Malaysia Government regarding the supplement of quality work force in the economic development of the country. Further discussion about how Government policies can affect labor market and education system was also including in it. The Malaysian Industrial Development Authority (MIDA) website has made out their statements to improve the quality of labor force in two ways. First, Malaysia offers the investor a diligent, disciplined, educated and trainable labor force. Second, Malaysian government has taken measures to increase the number of engineers, technicians and other skilled personnel graduating each year from local as well as foreign universities, colleges, and technical and industrial training institutions. I suppose to what extend did the Malaysia fulfill the aims to develop the technology industrial sectors? The study finds that although Malaysia offers a diligent, disciplined, educated and trainable workers, there was diversity between spectrums of the labor force. The universities graduated students in Science and Technology faculty is increasing every year, on the contrary the Art and Business faculty has decreased. Whether the qualities of students satisfy the needs of foreign industries are doubted, It is important to conduct a further investigation from the industries’ aspect.


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