  • 學位論文


Design of training environment for on-line learning teacher

指導教授 : 李世忠


『on-line learning』的線上學習概念已在網路上掀起一股熱潮,線上學習課程的開發也吸引了許多不同領域的人投入。由國家政策發展來看,目前國科會推動的「數位學習國家型科技計畫」與經濟部工業局規劃的「數位學習產業推動與發展計畫」也都說明了線上學習專業人才培育與訓練的重要。 有鑑於此,本研究從教育科技與線上學習角度,來探討與分析,線上學習教學實驗室(on-line learning laboratory)的基本概念、軟硬體與功能設計以及其空間規劃等,如開放式的活動隔間;教材影音多機等軟硬體設備;同步遠距網路廣播、非同步遠距教學之模擬、介面工具評鑑、網路學習策略方法測試等等功能。其目的在於培育線上學習之專業規劃、設計、製作人才,協助線上學習之落實與發展。 本研究設計採用國內外文獻分析,探討線上學習實驗室所應具備的功能並加以分類,另外觀察、紀錄現有範例,最後以專家審查的方式,綜整所得資料,以設計出線上學習實驗室(on-line learning laboratory)的藍圖。


This study is to create a training environment for delivering on-line learning technologies to teachers and university faculty. The purpose of this study is to provide designing guidelines of a unique implementation of the on-line learning training environment. The environment comprises of a central functionality, which meets the needs of on-line learning teacher training, courseware development, on-line learning strategy and learning management system interface design. In this training environment, instructors can utilize synchronized or asynchronized web-based instructional technology. The classroom can be divided into eight spaces for small groups to simulate eight different locations. The instructors will be trained to use different interface of e-learning strategies within the e-learning environment. Video walls, rear projection, web broadcasting, studio equipment and web streaming technology are used to create the training environment. By using document analysis, interview and observation, experts form the areas of classroom design, interior design and instructional method and strategy were interviewed to examine what design elements and strategies were used and how they were implemented in relation to current e-learning environment.


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