  • 學位論文


The Study Of The Tea Drink Market Consumer Behavior

指導教授 : 李月華


本研究旨在探討茶飲料市場消費行為之研究。本研究從相關的文獻探討開始著手,再根據理論基礎建立架構與假設,並選用適當的量表為研究工具,在臺北市地區進行消費者抽樣調查。本研究共發放400份問卷,有效回收樣本367份,有效回收率為91%。針對回收的有效樣本367份資料,進行信度分析、敘述性統計、因素分析、集群分析及變異數分析、多元尺度分析。經實證分析和討論後,有以下重要發現: 1.不同生活型態群組對各類型茶飲料偏好是不會影響飲料消費的習慣 及認知。 2.各生活型態對茶飲料產品屬性看法,在屬性上皆有差異性。 3.各茶類偏好群組對茶飲料產品屬性看法,單品茶是各茶類偏好群組 認為有顯著差異的。 4.各生活型態群組對茶類飲料購買原因,在「包裝外觀吸引人」、 「用餐搭配」、「品牌知名度高」、「產品不錯」、「享受喝茶的 感覺」、「店裝潢吸引」、「態度效率專業性」、「提神功能」、 「茶種不同會影響意願」是最能增加消費者購買的原因。 5.各類茶偏好型態對茶類飲料購買原因,在「較易解渴」、「購買 方便」、「享受喝茶的感覺」、「用餐搭配」、「逛街飲用」、 「飲料份量多」、「茶種不同會影響意願」是各類茶偏好型態的主 要購買原因。 6.生活型態在消費情形,一般消費金額在50元,且主要消費購買訊息 來源為「朋友訊息傳達」。


The purpose of this study of the tea drink market consumer behavior﹒This research starts from the related literature discussion﹒ And supposes according to the rationale establishment construction. we also select the suitable methor for the study tool.Then carries on the consumer sample investigation in the Taipei area﹒ This research altogether provides 400 questionnaire, Effective number of samples recovered are 367. Effective recoverysample rate is 91%. And we do reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, Factor analysis, Cluster analysis and ANOVA, multi-scale analysis for thoes 367effective recovered samples﹒ After Empirical analysis and discussion﹒We found some important conclusion.: 1.There is no influence for drink habbit and perspective of the differet lifestyle people. 2.There are diffences beween the characteristic of the tea drink product for the different lifestyle people. 3.The perspective of the characteristic of the tea drink product for the diffent lifestyle people has notable variation . expecially in the simplex tea. 4. The best way to enhance the reasons for consumers to buy are as folloing. “The appearance of attractive packaging”,”meal with”,” High brand awareness”,”good product”,” enjoy the feeling of a cup of tea”,”attractive shop”,” The efficiency of professional attitude”,” refreshing drink” and “variety of choices” 5. The reason of the buying tea drink product for the different people are as following. “to allay one's thirst”, “easy to buy”, “enjoy the drink feeling”, meal with”, “shopping with”,” high-capacity”, “variety of choices” 6.The average purchase amount for different lifestyle is NT50. And the main source of consumer purchasing information is “friend’s recommend”


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張勻嘉(2013)。臺日茶產業行銷策略研究 ─以天仁茗茶與伊藤園為例〔碩士論文,國立臺中科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6826/NUTC.2013.00088
