  • 學位論文

品質與創新於服務流程能力之投資 模式發展

The model development of quality and innovation investments on process capability in service

指導教授 : 李旭華


要有好的服務品質不能盲目的投資,也需要兼顧投資成本,才能獲得最大的營利。 有鑑於目前六標準差都只使用在品質管制和製程能力上,鮮少有運用在服務水準的方面。現今各企業者互相競爭並提供高品質的服務來滿足顧客,於是各企業者得不斷改進各個方面來達成最好的成果。 本研究發展品質與創新於服務流程能力之投資模式,依據Roge′rioPuga-Leal and Zulema Lopes Pereira (2007)發展服務能力指數公式,並加以改良並應用於服務品質的評分上,藉由投資提升服務的平均分數和降低標準差,最後選出投資利益最高的項目作為改善目標。


In order to improve service quality, the cost in the investment is regained for the consideration to obtain optimal investment profits. Process capability is usually required in the process control and analysis in six sigma management. It is rarely used in the service level. The competition among various companies provides high quality services to meet the customer, so all companies have continually improved all aspects to achieve the best results. In this research, quality and innovation are developed for the investment in service process capability model, based on Roge′rioPuga-Leal and Zulema Lopes Pereira (2007), the service capability index is developed to improve the mean of services scores and lower standard deviation by the investment in critical service items of the project for improving the investment benefit.


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