  • 學位論文


China's South China Sea Policy during the Hu Jintao's Period

指導教授 : 王高成


論文提要內容: 南海是我中華民國最南端的海疆,亦為我中華民族世代從事漁撈生息之海域,而南海周邊國家因海洋資源及海上航線等利益,相繼侵占我南海島礁。而中共在侵占我大陸國土建立政權後,亦宣稱其繼承我國之南海疆域,初期以「擱置爭議,共同開發」政策經營南海,而在胡錦濤主政下的10年間,中共經濟體排名躍升為世界第2,綜合國力顯著增長,國際地位大幅提升,對於南海地區的影響力也日益擴大,其為確保領土主權完整,南海相關政策及作為已有所改變。 本論文蒐集中華民國、中共、美國、日本等國家學者之研究著作,並結合媒體報導及網路刊載之資料,採文獻分析法,探討中共在胡錦濤時期南海政策發展與變化,置重點於政治、外交、經濟及軍事等政策發展,提出分析與見解,以探討胡錦濤時期南海政策作為及對區域內、外國家之影響。 研究結果發現,中共在胡錦濤執政10年期間,經濟快速發展,而快速成長所產生巨大物質需求,伴隨而來的是中共國家利益也前所未有的向外擴展,海洋領域的利益和目標成為國家戰略重點,中共崛起實力與影響力的輻射,立即引起周邊國家的不安,引起對安全問題的顧慮,隨著中共崛起,武力增強,相關對抗及衝突將會持續增加。特別是南海區域內相關利益國家,針對中共崛起,與區域外強權合作,從多方議題上加強合作,以爭取南海主權最大利益。 中共為確保領土主權完整,在南海的各項政策作為,由外交、政治、經濟、軍事及國際法規等面向著手,在2010年宣示南海主權為其「核心利益」立場,並以執法存在、管理存在等實際作為,宣示其南海主權存在的事實,顯見其在南海政策上,已逐步跳脫「擱置爭議、共同開發」較消極的態度,以多手段及多方作為的積極態度,應對南海主權爭議,積累更多談判籌碼。另逐漸擴張海上力量作為後盾,採用「軟硬兼施」模式,應對南海各聲索國主權爭議,各項經略南海的作法,都顯示出新的南海戰略與作為。


Abstract: During the Hu Jintao's Period, China’s economy rose and ranked 2nd in global economy. With the significant rising of national power and international status, China’s influence in South China Sea is becoming stronger. In order to maintain territorial integrity and sovereign independence, China has changed its South China Sea policies and behaviors. This paper analyzes China’s policies about South China Sea during the Hu Jintao's Period through politics, foreign policies, economy and military, and finds out how the policies influence other countries inside and outside the region. The paper uses literature analysis and reviews many papers, written by researchers of different nationalities, such as Taiwan, China, United States and Japan. The results show that China rose quickly during Hu administration. Therefore, China had the huge need of resources, so it expanded outside. That caused the neighboring countries insecurity. With China rising, the conflict events between China and neighboring countries were getting more and more, especially for those countries who also claimed the sovereignty in South China Sea. So those countries tried to cooperate with other powers outside the region to strive for the maximum interests about South China Sea. In order to maintain territorial integrity and sovereign independence, China adopted a series of policies, including foreign policies, politics, economy, military and international law. In 2010, China claimed a ‘‘Core Interest’’ in the South China Sea and its behaviors, like law enforcement and regulations, showed that China had indisputable sovereignty. It is obvious that China becomes assertive through expending maritime power. In fact, China’s new regional strategy is “Carrot and Stick” and uses it to contest with neighboring countries who also claimed the sovereignty.


歐錫富,《從南海看解放軍海軍的發展與挑戰》。臺北:戰略與評估,第2卷第2期, 2011年夏季。


