  • 學位論文


The Study of Operating Long-Term Policy of Non-life Insurance in Taiwan

指導教授 : 賴曜賢


台灣產險業過去1976年實施之長期保單起源於日本產險業經營長期火險所積累龐大資金所運用之收益,因此,業者仿效下先後發行長期住宅火險與儲蓄型火災保險,但因問題重重而使此保單戛然而止。長期車險方面,在1992年時,自用小客車第一次領牌保險期間為三年,及和安保代販售二至三年之長期商業車險,但都各於1998年施行新制強制汽車責任保險及2002年因銷售不佳而停售。到了去年2015年,主管機關才又開放產險業經營三年以下的傷害險與健康險。我們由此推論,產險業經營長期保險必然存在一些難以解決問題,而三年期傷害與健康險的再次被推出,又顯示產險長期保單有其市場需求。究竟產險長期保單的運作存在什麼樣的缺失?有無改善空間?引起作者研究興趣而著手研究。   本文透過資料分析結果發現,產險業在過去實施長期險上,最主要的問題為精算技術上的缺失。例如,長期火險在費率的計算上不夠準確,如:不該將費率結構所有考慮因素皆以一比率事先設定好;損失趨勢及預期損失等因素並非每年固定不變,因為火險長期之下損失率是呈不規則變動;佣金率過高,致保險公司難以維持合理報酬等。   因此,對於往後主管機關開放產險業銷售長期保單,本文提出以下建議做為參考:保費躉繳並專設專戶,並於每年依損失率調整帳戶額度;保險金採定額給付方式,避免保險標的價值變動造成問題;將保險期間適度縮短等,使長期非壽險保單得以穩健發展。


Long-term policy, implemented by Taiwanese non-life insurance company in 1976, originated from operating long-term fire insurance in Japan due to the non-life industry making investment gain. Since then, the non-life insurance company had issued long-term residential fire insurance and savings-type fire insurance, but stopped because of lots of problems. In the field of auto insurance policy, the three-years long term policy for private passenger auto and commercial auto issued since 1992, but stopped selling at 1998 due to implementation of compulsory auto liability insurance and poor sales. In 2015, the Insurance Commissioner had allowed non-life insurance company to operate three-years policy period of accident and health insurance. We can infer that non-life insurance company definitely must have some difficult issues about operating long-term property insurance. However, there must be market demand of long-term non-life insurance policies when three-year accident and health insurance are launched again. What did the deficiencies of long-term non-life insurance policies have or was there a room for improvement to arouse author’s interest in studying. The main problem of implementation of long-term non-life insurance policy is the deficiency of pricing technique in the past. There are many issues which need to be overcome. For example, rate-making on the long-term fire insurance are inaccurate since the rate structure fixed at a constant ratio and difficult prediction for expected annual losses of long-term insurance period; commission rate is too high, causing the insurance company is difficult to maintain a reasonable return. As a result, with regard to non-life insurance company operating long-term policies in the future, we propose the following recommendations as a reference: executing single premium payment and setting dedicated accounts that adjust the amount of accounts by the loss ratio every year; the insurance period is set short moderately that makes long-term non-life insurance policies to develop soundly.


