  • 學位論文


Looking for Light in The Shadows:An Investigation of The Counseling Experience of People Who Suffered Relational Bullying.

指導教授 : 邱惟真


本研究旨在瞭解關係霸凌受凌者過去遭受關係霸凌的經驗,以及爾後受凌者接受諮商協助與處理關係霸凌議題之諮商經驗內涵,探討在諮商歷程中哪些經驗對受凌者有所幫助,以提供專業人員實務工作參考,並給予關係霸凌受凌者相關建議。根據上述研究目的,本研究以立意抽樣方法,選取了3位符合研究條件的受訪者。透過半結構式深度訪談蒐集資料,每位受凌者訪談2次,並採用質性研究取向的「主題分析法」,統整文本後,進行資料歸納、分析。研究結果可分為三大要點: 一、關係霸凌受凌者過去的關係受凌經驗 (一)關係霸凌受凌者所遭遇的關係霸凌形式 三種主要形式:1、操弄關係排擠 2、散布不實謠言 3、忽視個體存在。 (二)關係霸凌受凌者知覺受凌之經驗 三個共同知覺到的深刻受凌經驗:1、孤立無援 2、人際關係受阻斷,難以互動 3、各種負面情緒湧現,絕望到麻木。 (三)受凌後負面影響持續蔓延,如陰影般隨行 關係受凌後的陰影,反映在兩大層面:1、貶低的自我,憂慮評價與情緒困擾 2、懼怕再次受凌,改變社交和人際關係。 二、關係霸凌受凌者當事人接受諮商經驗 (一)過去受凌而立即諮商者少,諮商動機大多為解決現在問題 本研究顯示關係受凌者當事人,其尋求諮商背後的動機,並非當時遭到霸凌,就立即接受諮商。除了非自願因素,其它動機主要來自當事人過一段時日後,潛伏的陰影造成直接或間接影響,導致目前生活出現問題,自己難以解決、超出負荷時,才會促使當事人產生動機,選擇諮商協助。 (二)諮商不盡然對關係霸凌受凌者都有幫助 有些諮商經驗確實能幫助到受凌者,但有些沒有,有幫助的為正向諮商經驗,無幫助的為負向諮商經驗。如:重視的眼神與反應為正向,眼神迴避不被接納為負向。經驗會依據受凌者個人主觀的知覺而有所差異,況且與不同的諮商員晤談,也會互動出不同的經驗與感受。 (三)諮商歷程中知覺有幫助之經驗 1、諮商員正向態度與反應之經驗 (1)真誠以對(2)重視(3)堅定關注的眼神 2、一般諮商有幫助之處遇經驗 (1)完整說明保密並遵守 (2)情緒被接納和同理,表達獲得紓解 (3)涵納不同想法,不否定(4)具有耐心,跟隨個案步調 3、特別對關係霸凌議題有幫助之處遇經驗 (1)重新回顧、釐清受凌經驗與影響 (2)瞭解霸凌議題 (3)拓展新視角與觀點 (4)區辨現在和過去,為當下賦能(5)共同研討多元因應策略 三、倘若愈清楚瞭解關係受凌經驗,則愈能提供有幫助的諮商處遇 本研究發現受凌者處在關係受凌時,會經驗到依附需求被剝奪,以及負向的情緒經驗。 若能在好的諮商關係中,清楚瞭解受凌者的關係受凌經驗,有哪些需求缺失,進而在諮商中重新彌補,以及重新建構與受凌時相對正向的情緒經驗,並提供情感連結與滋養,就能修復受凌時帶來的傷害和陰影,對症下藥,則此諮商經驗即對受凌者產生幫助。


This study aimed to understand the experience of relational bullying and the victims’ experience of counseling. This study further explored the helpful experience in the counseling proccess to inform future professional practice and give advice to victims of relational bullying. Purposive sampling was conducted and each of the three participants completed two semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis was conducted to analyze the transcript, and the findings are as followed: 1.Past experience of relational bullying a.Types of relational bullying: Paticipants described three major types of relational bullying: relationship manipulation, rumor spreading, and neglecting individuals. b.Perceived experience: All three participants experienced a) loneliness and helplessness, b) disruption of interpersonal relationships, and c) multiple negative feelings, despair, and numbness. c.Haunting negative influence of relational bullying: There are two major types of negative consequence of relational bullying: 1) low self-concept, worrying of being judged, and emotional disturbance, and 2) worrying of repeated victimization, and changing social relationships. 2.Experience of counseling a.Motivation of seeking counseling: Victims of relational bullying rarely seek counseling immediately after such being victimized. Except involuntary clients, individuals seek psychotherapy afterward when the lurking negative experience directly or indirectly interrupts daily functioning that individuals were unable to resolve. b.Counseing does not help all victims: Some victims found counseling helpful whereas others did not. Helping counseling experience is usually positive, but unhelpful experience tends to be negative. For example, an attentive look in the eye and response are considered positive, but unaccepting and avoiding gaze was considered negative. Counseling experience varies as a function of the clients’ subjective perception, and victims have different experience when working with different counselors. c.Helpful counseling experience: The three positive experiences are when the counselor demonstrates 1) genuineness, 2) attentiveness, and 3) firm and caring eye gaze. Counseling sessions are helpful when the counselor also 1) fully explains and follows the guidelines of confidentiality, 2) accepts and empathizes the clients’ feeling, 3) accepts different views, and 4) patiently follow the client’s pace. The five couneling experiences helpful relational bullying are 1) review and clarify the experience and influence of bullying, 2) understand bullying-related topics, 3) develop new perspectives, 4) distinguish the past from now, empower and here-and-now experience, and 5) explore different coping strategies together. 3.Counselors can provide more helpful intervention when clients clearly understand the experience of relational bullying: In relational bullying, the victims experience a deprivation of attachment and negive feelings. If counselors are able to build a warm counseling relationship, understand the victims’ rexperience of relational bullying, and identify the unmet needs, and if the counselor can further re-build positive feelings to balance the influence of bullying and provide emotional support, it is likely that the scars and wounds from relational bullying will heal, truly helping the victims.


