  • 學位論文


A Multi-Narrative of Disability and Desire ── A study of Shi Tien-sheng’s Novels

指導教授 : 呂正惠


本論文以史鐵生於1978年至2005年期間所寫作的小說作品為主要研究對象,並加之以散文、隨筆作品為輔,作為相關論述的補充與說明。在論文架構方面,依作品性質區分為上、下兩篇討論,藉由史鐵生寫作的發展脈絡,探究其如何由「身體殘缺」的體驗,轉化為對整個世界「精神殘疾」的關照,以及由殘疾人的「生存欲望」,拓展至全體人類尋求形而上「生命欲望」的多重敘述,完整架構史鐵生的寫作進程,探討其作品的內涵意義與價值貢獻。 上篇以「殘疾與欲望困境」為主題,以80年代至90年代初期,史鐵生的中短篇小說作品為研究範疇。首先討論1978年至1984年間,在個體殘疾經驗之下,文本中所顯示對「生存欲望」的寫作表現。包括對自傳性作品的揭示,以及「殘疾」主題的敘述策略,初步掌握史鐵生的生命經歷過程與早期寫作在內容、形式上的特徵。同時由對文學思潮的梗概略述,鋪敘進入第二章1985年至1994年時期,史鐵生作品中所表達群體的殘缺狀態,進而發展對生存困境的反思;由先鋒意識的發端,討論史鐵生創作手法轉入形而上寫作的變化與特徵,對其一系列「過程哲學」、「原罪宿命」等小說主題進行探究。第三章則析論史鐵生的文學觀,以散文與隨筆作品中為研究主軸,將文學與人學作一連結與闡釋,由此創作意識所造成對寫作形式的影響,進一步對作品的形式與內容加以分析,同時作為研究史鐵生長篇小說的先聲。 下篇以「殘疾與欲望出口」為主題,以90年代以後史鐵生的兩部長篇小說,發表於1996年的《務虛筆記》與2005年的《我的丁一之旅》為研究對象。前者具有總結寫作主題、人物與文本形式的特色;後者則是史鐵生歷經「透析」(洗腎)之後,在生死體驗之下的另一創作手法表現;兩者皆俱有作者精神自傳的特質,但寫作起點的不同,因而形成兩部文本之間的差異性與獨特之處。首先以史鐵生「形式即內容」的創作理念,對兩部長篇小說的多重文體特徵做一解析;並由此探討在「敘事迷宮」寫作策略之下的故事內涵與藝術特色;最後對兩部小說中,人物形象的續寫與差別做一比較討論。 本論文以上述研究架構與範疇,對史鐵生小說作品中的「殘疾」與「欲望」主題進行全面性的論述,以期將作家與作品的生命精神及創作精髓做一完整呈現,提供日後學界對史鐵生進行文學研究的參考依據。


史鐵生 小說 欲望 殘疾


This essay analyzed novels written by Shi Tiensheng between the years of 1978 and 2005, and used his proses and columns as supporting and clarification materials for related discussions. The essay was divided into two parts based on the nature of his works. Through the development of Shi Tiensheng's writings, we explored how his physical disability experiences were transformed into his care for the 'mental disability' of the the whole world, and also how the 'desire to live' of a disabled person can expand into a multi-narrative of all human being pursuing a metaphysically 'desire of life', so as to fully map out Shi Tiensheng's writing process and discuss the connotations and contributions of his works. The theme of the first part of the essay was 'disability and the difficulty of desire', which was a research based on Shi Tiensheng's novellas written during the 1980s and early 1990s. First was the discussion on his writings that reflected 'desire to live' which was derived from his disability experience. This included his autobiographical writings and the narrative strategy that centered around 'disability'. From these one can develop preliminary familiarity with Shi Tiensheng's life experiences and the characteristics of his writing content and forms in his early works. Meanwhile, from the brief description of literature study, the discussion entered chapter two, the period between 1985 and 1994. During this time, Shi Tiensheng's works spoke of the incompleteness in a group which in turn generated a reflection on the difficulty for survival. From the beginning of pioneer awareness, we discussed the transformation and characteristics of Shi Tiensheng's shift into metaphysical writing in terms of his creation approaches, and analyzed a series of his novella topics such as 'process philosophy' and 'sin and fate'. The third chapter discussed Shi Tiensheng's view on literature. Focusing on his proses and columns, we related and inferred the association between literature and people, and from the influence of his creation ideology on his writing forms, we further analyzed the forms and content of his novels, which would be used as a start of researching Shi Tiensheng's novels. The latter part of this essay centered around the topic of 'disability and desire outlet', which was a research that was based on two of Shi Tiensheng's novels written after the 1990s, 'Notes of retreat' published in 1996 and 'My trip to Ding-Yi' published in 2005. The former could be characterized as a summary of his writing topics, characters and text forms; the latter was a demonstration of Shi Tiensheng's new creation approach after his near death experience, the start of dialysis; both has the features of a writer's spiritual autobiography, yet, each written for a different reason, thus resulted in the differences and uniquenesses between the two texts. We first analyzed the multi-text form characteristic of the two novels with Shi Tiensheng's 'form is content' creation idea. From these, we explored the story connotations and artistic features of the 'narrative maze' writing strategy. Finally, we compared and discussed the differences between the continuation and differentiation of character images in the two novels. This essay engaged in a comprehensive discussion on the 'disability' and 'desire' themes among Shi Tiensheng's novels based on the research agenda and areas mentioned above, intending to perform a holistic representation of the spirit and the quintessence of the creation of the writer and its works, and to provide a basis for future academic literary research on Shi Tiensheng.


Shi Tien-sheng novel desire disability


史鐵生,《史鐵生作品集》(全三卷),北京:中國社會科學出版社,1995年6月史鐵生,《東岳文庫──史鐵生(全九卷)》, 濟南:山東文藝出版社,2001年3月


Lyu, S. J. (2017). 安東尼•聖修伯里《夜間飛行》敘事研究 [master's thesis, Tamkang University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2017.00364
