  • 學位論文


The Geographical Strategy and the Competition for Petroleum Energy of China in Central Asia

指導教授 : 吳 漢


一、中國自1993年成為石油進口國後,其石油的年消費量仍不斷擴大,產量卻無法大幅提升,導致其國內石油供給不足的缺口正不斷擴大。到2008年為止,中國已有五成左右的石油必須仰賴進口。面對國內外情勢的不斷變化,石油資源的短缺,極可能會成為制約中國整體實力發展的瓶頸,進口石油的來源及其供應安全,遂成為中國必須積極面對的關鍵問題。 二、就地緣戰略而言,中國東臨太平洋與南海,西與中亞-俄羅斯產油地區相接壤,優越的地理位置,讓中國可以分別透過海運(油輪)和陸運(油管)的方式,自境外輸入石油,以支應其經濟發展。 三、目前,中國主要是透過海運的方式,經由漫長的海上航線,自中東與非洲進口其所需的石油。不過到現在為止,中國海軍尚未有足夠的實力,能對其海上石油供應線上的油輪提供充分的保護。中國對於中東、非洲油源與海上石油供應線的過度依賴,是中國石油安全問題上的 主要隱憂。 四、為了化解上述隱憂,中國正積極規劃並建立其陸上石油供應體系,希望能打通歐亞能源陸橋 ,透過油管自中亞、俄羅斯、中東等地進口其所需的石油。在這個陸上石油供應體系中,最具有重要關鍵地位的就是中亞地區。 五、透過「上海合作組織」這個溝通平臺,中國與中亞的石油合作已經有了一定的成效,目前已經投入營運的中哈油管,正源源不絕的將中亞所生產的石油輸往中國這個龐大的市場,顯示雙方的合作前景十分看好。但是,中亞地區做為全球重要的石油產區之一,除了中國之外,美國與俄羅斯等強國對於中亞油源亦存志在必得之心。故中國在這場中亞石油能源的競逐上,也面臨不少挑戰。


The oil offer need to expand for every year, but totally amount can not rise as the same time after 1993. There are 50% oil have to reply on import until 2008 in China. The key problem is more and more less oil in China and it will be controlled the whole development abilities about oil recourses and the supply security. For geography strategy cause, the good location “China” and “Russia” can give the marine transportation and the land transportation the way to its economic development. Right now, China main oil is from the Middle East and Africa. There is not strong in China Navy , so it can not provide the full protection to marine transportation. China oil is reply on Middle East, and Africa, so there are hided and deeply problems will be not easy solving. The four areas (China, Middle East, Central Asia, and Russian) want to bridge and can connectfor oil each other. For the marine oil system, the most important location is “Central Asia.” From Shanghai Cooperation Organization, China and Central Asia have good effect because their businesses into the Sino-Kazakh drill tubing. So China and Central Asia want to good view in the future. Central Asia is the most important oil location in global. Besides China, USA and Russian have to get oil original country—Central Asia. In China, there are many competitions of oil and will see many challenges.


6.「新新聞周刊」- 761期,2001年10月。
Issue, Hong Kong Trade Development Council, July 2000。
3.Meinig D.W. Heartland and Rimland in Eurasian History West Politics
