  • 學位論文

後冷戰時期中共「睦鄰外交」之研究 -一個「社會建構主義理論」的觀點-

China's Good-Neighbor Diplomacy after the Cold War – A social constructivist Perspective

指導教授 : 王高成


二十一世紀經常被宣揚是亞洲的世紀。然而,在過去將近半個世紀以來的冷戰時期,中共的周邊環境常被認為存在許多軍事衝突的熱點。許多難解的衝突、國家主義以及戰略利益時常造成中共的外交政策成為區域局勢的緊張來源。然而,從冷戰末期到冷戰結束之後,許多國際與國內的因素逐漸改變了中共的外交政策。近年來,中共已經基本的扭轉了國際社會對他的負面印象。雖然還不清楚這樣的趨勢對於未來國際局勢的影響是走向激化或是穩定,傳統的國際關係理論未能針對這樣的現象提出有創見的預測與分析,而亞歷山大.溫特(Alexsander Went)的社會建構主義的理論也許能夠為這樣的走向提供重要的研究視角。 冷戰結束之後,中共提出的睦鄰外交成功的改變自己是區域麻煩製造者的角色、轉而成為溫和的、有貢獻的與發展中國家的形象。這樣角色的扭轉至少發生在東亞經濟、政治與軍事層面。換句話說,中共持續與穩定區域和平的意向是符合他周邊國家的期待的。在今天,中共地位的崛起讓許多觀察家做出更有創見的預測來做樂觀的期待;而中共的鄰國對於中共的敵視也比冷戰時期紓解許多。而中國共產黨領導人也已經降低了中共主動侵略他國的可能性。不尋常的是,這個階段的中國的國力成長卻是在近百年來最大幅度的。當然,有一些觀察家對中共崛起有不同的見解。他們認為中共並非是真心和平。在未來,中共的崛起仍是造成亞洲國家間局勢緊張的主因。無論中共崛起的局勢如何,無疑的,這個局勢將深刻影響台灣的國家地位以及利益。 總之,近年來中共地位的提升已經衝擊到亞洲傳統強權的既有框架。因此,隨著中共穩定的發展,中共運用什麼方法來維持他週遭環境的和平以及如何確保進一步的發展是本文研究的主軸。本文試著透過社會建構主義的觀點來研究發生在亞洲接連不斷的和解與衝突的議題、從中更清楚的了解驅動中共外交發展走向的本質。這些議題主要意涵包括:中共做為一個崛起的強國,是如何被既有的區域政治與經濟結構所影響?中共又如何反饋影響區域的安全與穩定?中共是如何運用睦鄰外交來重塑在亞太地區的形象?美國因素在過去到未來是如何影響中共的睦鄰外交?最後透過社會建構主義途徑的分析,也嘗試歸納出東亞各國互動的模式,並為台灣在面對這樣的局勢時提出一些政策性建議,以維持台灣將來的國家利益與國際地位。


The 21 century has often been touted as the Asian Century. However, for exactly half a century, the China’s surrounding has often registered at the list of the world's military hot spots. China’s diplomatic policy often makes troubles in the region from unresolved conflicts, intense nationalism, and competing strategic interests. However, many international and internal reasons change China’s diplomatic policy gradually from the dernier period to the end of the Cold War. In the last few years, China has fundamentally altered the negative image of international society. Yet it is not clear whether these changes have made the region (Asia) a hotter flash point or a cooler one. The theory of the social constructivist would be the important predict and analysis of this situation. After the end of the cold war, the good-neighbor policy carried out by the PRC successfully changes the image of the PRC from an unstable factor to a benign development country, at least in the economic, political and military fields in Eastern Asia. In other words, the attempt of the PRC to maintain regional peace and stability meets the need of its neighboring countries. Today, the rising in the posture of the China has given many watchers reasons for optimism by conventional standards, the China threat in aggregate terms is less than it was during the Cold War. Communist leaders have reduced the China’s conventional invasion capabilities. However, the power of China becomes much stronger than before. Of course, some researchers consider that the China might not be certainly peaceful. In the future, China would make the tension on the situation of the countries in Asia. No matter what situation of China’s rising will be, undoubtedly, the situation affects Taiwan’s national status and interests deeply. All in all, recent rising of the status of China have impact the common framework of the traditional national powers in Asia. Thus, with China’s steady development, in what ways China uses to keep the future peace in her surrounding for her further development is the major theme of this research. Thus, I try to research the series of conflicts and engagements through the social constructivist perspective, the true nature of recent developments in China would become clear. Moreover, through analyzing the issue by social constructivism, I also try to develop an interactive model of countries in Eastern Asia research, and the thesis discuss these and related issues. To what degree of China, as a rising power, is affected by the existing regional political and economic order? What will be the probable impact of China’s growing power on regional security and stability? How does the extent of China’s good neighbor diplomacy reconstruct China’s image in the Asia-Pacific region? How does the factors of United States affect to China’s Good-Neighbor diplomacy from the past to the future? At last, we will support our government with a policy reference for keeping the national interests and international status of Taiwan in the future.




