  • 學位論文


Study on Multiphase Flow Applied to Analysis and Design of Capillary Porous Media Cold Plate

指導教授 : 葉豐輝


本文係研究多相流應用於毛細多孔介質冷板散熱分析與設計。相變化熱傳特點是相變流體要放出或吸收大量的潛熱,作動反應迅速且可快速將小面積熱量擴散到大面積,更有效利用外部散熱裝置使得整體系統獲得良好熱控效果。以往實驗難以觀察冷板內部流體作動流場,而目前相變化熱傳多以二維模擬分析,無法看出實際冷板整體流體流場變化。本研究利用計算流體力學軟體ANSYS_CFX10.0進行三維冷板內部具毛細多孔介質相變化熱傳熱流作動模擬分析,比較歐拉(Eulerian)及拉格朗日(Lagrangian)多相流理論應用於CFX與FLUENT所對應模型及其適應範圍比較其優缺點,找出最合適多相流理論與所對應軟體模型,以期更準確模擬真實冷板內部流場及其相變化熱傳。並以相同尺寸銅、鋁板比較驗證具相變化毛細多孔介質冷板優異的擴散熱阻和散熱效益。最後以實體冷板進行實驗並利用紅外線攝像儀觀察冷板、銅板、鋁板溫度變化實際作動,再次驗證分析模擬數值正確性及利用CFD軟體模擬冷板內部流體流場的可行性。 本研究成功地找出CFX中適應模擬冷板作動之理論模型,實現三維冷板內部具毛細多孔介質結構相變化熱傳熱流作動模擬分析,證實具相變化毛細多孔介質冷板優異的熱傳效益及利用CFD軟體模擬冷板內部流體流場的可行性。


多相流 CFX 冷板


This thesis is studied the analysis and design of multiphase flow applies to capillary porous media cold plate. The characteristic of phase change heat transfer is phase change fluid should emit or absorb a large mount of latent heat. The action of heat transfer is very fast and is able to spread the heat of small area to large area in very short time. The external cooling device is used to improve the heat control of the whole system. The flow field of the internal fluid in the cold plate is hard to observe in the experiments formerly. The simulation of phase change heat transfer mostly based on two-dimentional analysis, and the whole fluid field change is unable to observe. This thesis uses Computational Fluid Dynamic software ANSYS_CFX 10.0 to perform the three-dimentional simulation of multiphase phase change heat transfer in the cold plate with capillary porous media. Eulerian and Lagrangian multiphase theory applied to corresponding model of CFX and FLUENT is compared and discussed the suitable range. In order to get the accurate simulation of true flow field of the internal fluid in the cold plate and phase change heat transfer. And using the same size of aluminum and copper to compare and proof the excellent spreading resistance and the cooling effect of phase change heat transfer in the cold plate with capillary porous media. Finally, experiments are performed with real cold plate, and observed the temperature various of cold plate, copper plate and aluminum plate by thermal imaging camera system. To prove the validity of simulation vale and the feasibility of simulating flow field of the internal fluid in the cold plate by CFD software. This thesis figure out the theory adapt to simulation the operation of cold plate in CFX, To achieve performing the three-dimentional simulation of phase change heat transfer in the cold plate with capillary porous media. And prove the excellent spreading resistance and the cooling effect of phase change heat transfer in the cold plate with capillary porous media, and the feasibility of simulating flow field of the internal fluid in the cold plate by CFD software.


two phase flow porous media cold plate sinter


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