  • 學位論文


Analyzing US Hegemony from Neo-Gramscian School: Transformational Diplomacy in Iraq.

指導教授 : 翁明賢


本文從新葛蘭西學派的觀點,探討關於「國際社會本質」的假設,其不同於主流的國際關係學派中的假設,主張國際社會中存在著一種垂直臣屬的關係,而該主張乃是脫胎於葛蘭西的「文化霸權」理論。筆者以「新葛蘭西學派」解釋當今美國的國際地位,解析美國如何透「轉型外交」的政策,在國際社會的臣屬階級中,汲取積極同意。 因此,從這個角度去看美國的霸權,美國則是一個符合「新葛蘭西學派」中的霸權定義。筆者觀察到,「轉型外交」之所以提出,乃肇因於美國體認到自己正在逐漸流失市民社會的認同(包括了國際市民社會與伊拉克的市民社會),因而欲藉由「轉型外交」,在國際社會臣屬階級中重獲她的霸權地位。最後本論文希望能夠藉由「新葛蘭西學派」增加對國際事務觀察的廣度,從而對台灣外交開啟不一樣的視野。


This thesis is mainly about the view of “Neo-Gramscian School” and its hypothesis to the essence of international society. Such hypothesis is way different from the mainstream international relation theories which assert that the international society is in the “anarchic circumstances.” On the contrary, “Neo-Gramscian School” stands for that there’s a “dominate-subordinate” relation in the international society, that is, the vertical relations shape the figures of power maneuvers in the international society. This hypothesis can be retraced from Antonio Gramsci’s well-known political theory- hegemony. In this thesis, by using “Neo-Gramscian School” to analyze American international status, it is able to grasp how US gain actively consent among subordinate class through”Transformational Diplomacy”. In other words, America brought up “Transformational Diplomacy” just for lack of “Pro-American-whatever” identity. Furthermore, they put every effort to regain its “hegemony status” in “Neo-Gramscian” way, namely by leading subordinate class in the international society again. In conclusion, this thesis sincerely hope that “Neo-Gramscian School” can serve as wider approach to observe this world and open Taiwan’s diplomacy a new leaf.


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