  • 學位論文


Re-thinking about the interpretation problems of Wu Tai Poem Case

指導教授 : 呂正惠


本論文以「烏臺詩案詮釋問題的再思考」為題,旨在從「烏臺詩案」相關的各種文本記載及詮釋資料的比較中,探究造成此差異的可能原因和它們分別達致的效果。回顧歷來的研究成果,就材料可分成以「烏臺詩案」相關記載為主的第一序研究,和分析後世評論的第二序研究。在目的上則分為將「烏臺詩案」看作是「文學事件」的研究,及將其作為「政治事件」的研究這兩大類。本文便嘗試從不同的文本及聲音當中,再參照兩類的研究成果,提供一種對於詮釋方式的全新思考。   第二章首先從「烏臺詩案」的歷史世界起始,先著手探討唐宋之際政策、制度與生產技術、經濟交易型態的改變。立國之初為了除弊端的改革,反而造成政府運轉不靈,但廣開科舉與市場經濟形成的自由狀態,卻使宋代社會發展出強烈的開放性與流變性,並具有強烈的庶民性。宋代的士大夫逐漸成為支配階層,涉身於行政事務、文化活動與學術研究,但政府日益惡化的弊端,使得隨之而來的變法、黨爭和文字獄產生劇烈質變,他們便必須挑戰如何在鬥爭傾軋中實現自我理想。   第三章接著剖析「烏臺詩案」之成因,此則分兩方面進行:一是將蘇軾的政治活動與思想主張,結合當時黨爭消長的情形、神宗與王安石的矛盾心態、臺諫勢力的介入及彈劾手段的成熟等因素,來還原蘇軾在當時的政治角色,並分析其間的緊張關係與「烏臺詩案」發生是否具有必然性。另一方面則是從宋代主要幾項傳播方式,如印刷術、石刻、邸報造成當時文獻傳遞速度與日俱增,來看蘇軾文集的傳播情形及其與「烏臺詩案」爆發的關係。   第四章正式進入「烏臺詩案」現存的審判資料,先追溯《烏臺詩案》一書的文獻來源,再對流傳至今的幾種刊本進行辨偽,按照傳承關係歸納成系統,並整理統計各版本所收錄詩篇。接著從《烏臺詩案》所載審判進行的方式、蘇軾招認的過程,來推測御史臺的選詩策略和意圖,並據此逐一深究各首涉案詩篇與新法的關係,從中了解御史臺與蘇軾在威逼與招供間的角力,以及臺諫如何利用對蘇軾詩篇中的深文周內來挑起神宗內心的焦慮與矛盾。   第五章則是追蹤「烏臺詩案」事件的餘緒。對蘇軾本人而言,黃州是他政治活動、學術著作、文學創作與人生思考的轉捩點,許多畢生思索的課題就此展開。就宋代政治來說,「烏臺詩案」牽連者在元佑復用時炮製了規模更大、報復意味更濃的「車蓋亭詩案」,這番來往使得朝政風氣急速敗壞,導致北宋滅亡。更由於此事的特殊性,後世正史、小說、戲曲議論紛紛,在對蘇軾人物形象的刻畫中寄託種種幻想與期許,對中國文化產生了深遠的影響。


The dissertation will take ”Re-thinking about the interpretation problems of Wu Tai Poem Case” as main idea, and investigate reasons causing differences and effects by comparing and contracting variety of related information. Reviewing the past researches, most information could be divided into two parts, one is the-first-order information, like Wu Tai Poem Case and related records, the other is the-second-order information, such as analysis critical after the affair. From purpose perspective, the information could be divided into a “literature affair” or a ”political affair”. The dissertation will try to provide a different thought and observation by referring and evaluating various texts and information.   The second chapter begins form the history of Wu Tai Poem Case, then conferring the transforming of policy, system, producing technologies, and trade from Tang to Sung Dynasties. At the beginning of establishing the Sung Dynasty, some revolution for removing abuses left by the previous government causing more difficulties instead. However, derivative policies, such as the Imperial Civil Examination and market , trade, also created more freedom situation for people, moreover, developing a society which is opener, more changeable, and more popular. Shih Dai Fu in Sung Dynasty was becoming the leading class, involving in administration, cultural activities, and academy, but at the same time, they had to face challenges came from transforming ideals, Dang Jeng(party competition), Literary Inquisition, which caused by corrupt center.   Next, the third chapter will analyze reasons causing Wu Tai Poem Case. The analysis will divide into two part: The first, I will try to restore Su-Shih's character in politics at that time, considering more factors including Su-Shih's political activities and ideas, the battles between different parties, Emperor Shen-Zong and Wang An-Shi's mentality, and intervention of uprising power, to evaluate if tension between these complicated conditions caused the necessity of Wu Tai Poem Case happening. The second, to research the effects of progressing propagate patterns, such as printing, carving stone, Di Bau (official bulletin), observing the relationship between spreading of the anthology of Su-Shih and Wu Tai Poem Case.   The fourth chapter is officially enter existing judging information about Wu Tai Poem Case. First, I will trace the original records of book “Wu Tai Poem Case”, verifying authenticity of existing editions, classifying these different editions, and arrange poets in different versions. Second, I will presume Yu Shi Tai's purposes and devices of picking poets by the records of judgment and Su-Shih 's confession in “Wu Tai Poem Case”, meanwhile, researching the relationship between poets and new laws from these point of views. To understand the battles between Yu Shi Tai and Su-Shih, and how Yu Shi and Jian Guan used Su-Shih 's poets to arouse the anxiety and contradiction of Emperor Shen-Zong.   The fifth chapter will continuously chase the aftermath of Wu Tai Poem Case. For Su-Shih, Huang Zhou was the place which related to his political career, academic researches, writings, and changes of life. For politics of Sung Dynasty, connected politicians in Wu Tai Poem Case copied the similar, but larger and more revengeful Che Gai Ting Poem Case in the Yuan- You Political Reform, which corrupt social values, precipitating extinction of the Northern Sung Dynasty. Because of the particularity of Wu Tai Poem Case, people often embedded varied imagine in historical records, novels, and drama, making numerous and profound effects on Chinese culture.


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﹝英﹞愛德華•卡耳(Edward. H. Carr)著,江政寬譯:《何謂歷史》(What is history?),臺北:博雅書屋,2009年2月。
