  • 學位論文


The Effects of Localization Movement On Mainland Policy In The Period of DDP Ruling

指導教授 : 吳漢 楊景堯


2000年的總統大選,民進黨取代國民黨,為我國行憲後的第一次政黨輪替,而民進黨也成為第一個台灣本土執政黨。由於國、民兩黨意識形態的不同,勢必會對兩岸關係與大陸政策,帶來全新的面貌與挑戰。 作為台灣第一個政黨輪替而上台執政的政黨,在其「黨外-在野-執政」的發展過程中,「本土」的論述,是伴隨這個政黨成長的重要意識形態。本文擬探究民進黨因陳水扁就任總統而成為執政黨,其「台灣本土運動」是如何主張論述,並透過何種實際作為落實到大陸政策產出。 大陸政策長期以來一直是複雜的政策領域之一,也是左右台灣未來走向發展的重要變數。綜觀民進黨大陸政策的制定,除了考量民進黨的本土意識形態外,另外兩岸意識型態不同、美國等國際因素的介入、台灣意識型態的轉變、國內政治及經濟型態的轉型之外,民進黨內部派系因素等也都在影響大陸政策制定的方向。 在陳水扁執政期間,在「本土」的口號下對兩岸關係接連出招,先是認為「九二共識」是「沒有共識的共識」,而以「九二精神」代之,然後拋出「一邊一國論」、終止「國統會」與「國統綱領」、「四要一沒有」及以台灣名義加入聯合國等言論或政策,讓兩岸關係也停滯不進、互信喪失。 而民進黨執政8年來與中共互動陷入僵局,「本土化」與「一中原則」是雙方意識形態的歧見所在。中共視「本土化」為台灣獨立之藉口;而民進黨則根本否定「一中原則」。加上各方因素的影響,使得雙方政府在後期越來越沒有共識,隔閡也越來越深。


The DPP had replaced KMT in Taiwan’s presidential election of 2000,which is the first time of party switching after establishment of the ROC Constitution. The difference of Ideology between KMT and The DPP would change the mainland policy and cross-straits relations. As a first ruling party in Taiwan after party switching, the localization plays an important role on development process for The DPP. The main point of this paper is to research the Taiwan localization movement and mainland policy under Chen Shui-bian. Mainland policy is always not only one of the most complicated subject matter in governmental policies but also an important variable determining the future development in Taiwan. Looking at the DPP's mainland policy formulation, in addition to consideration of the local DPP ideology, the other two sides of different ideology, the involvement of the United States and other international factors, changes in Taiwan's ideology, domestic political and economic transformation of the type, the DPP factions factors also affect the continent in the direction of policy. In the eight years of his rule, President Chen Shui-bian has made a serial moves on the cross-strait policy. Firstly, he alleged that the "92 consensus" is "Agree to Disagree" and replaced with the "92 spirit". After that he brought up “ one side one country,’’ abolishing “National Unification Council or the Guidelines for National Unification,” the “ four imperatives and one non-issue” policy, and joining the United Nations under the name of "Taiwan”. Also allow cross-strait relations into the stagnant, loss of trust. During eight-year ruling of the DPP, relationships with the CPC has fall into deadlock, "localization" and "one China principle" is where differences between both ideology. On one hand, CPC as the "localization" as an excuse for Taiwan independence; on the other hand, the DPP is simply reject the "one-China principle". With all factors, there is no consensus of two governments, and the gap between each other has become more and more deeply.


