  • 學位論文


Labour Mobility in the European Union: An Empirical Study

指導教授 : 曾秀珍


在歐盟持續東擴的背景之下,「勞工流動」近年來已成為歐盟當局逐漸重視的議題,執委會並將2006年定為勞工流動年(European year of workers’ mobility)以期喚起歐洲公民行使人員自由移動權利的意識。自《羅馬條約》及《單一歐洲法》生效後,內部市場的法律架構已組建完成,會員國間的商品貿易因關稅障礙的移除而愈益頻繁,資本流通在歐元實施之後業已獲得大幅度的改善,但人員自由移動的部分至今仍維持在相當低的水準。理論上,人員自由移動的權利在獲得條約保障之後,歐洲的勞工應能自由地在會員國間進行移動及工作,但實際上只有少部分的勞工願意跨越國境至其他會員國內工作。 隨著歐洲人口、社會及經濟結構的快速變遷,部分西歐國家的勞動市場普遍面臨人口老化及出生率下降而出現勞工短缺的情況;在此同時,擁有年輕且充沛勞動力的中東歐國家卻正面臨高失業率問題。因此,若能善用歐盟內部的人力資源,藉由勞工跨區域、國家、產業及職業的移動協調東、西歐國家的勞動力配置,將能紓解歐洲因勞工短缺、高失業所造成經濟遲緩的壓力,更能增進歐洲公民的福祉。 本論文主要可分為三個部分:第二、三章敍述「勞工流動」的相關理論與其科際整合之性質,其中將以Heckscher-Ohiln的要素平價定理來說明「勞工流動」與「經濟整合」的關連,並以勞工流動之相關理論說明下勞工流動的實際情形及未來的挑戰;第四章為「經濟分析」,以德國與波蘭為例進行實證研究,並分析探討勞工流動對經濟整合的影響及變數間的相互關連;第五章則為「非經濟分析」,藉由則以先前的實證結果對勞工流動的相關政策進行評估與分析。


In today’s fast evolving global economy, Europe is facing the paradoxical situation: work is becoming more mobile but workers are not. Free movement of labour is one of the key pillars of the European Union, but even so Europeans still make little use of this opportunity. Only two percent of EU citizens currently live and work in a Member State different from their country of origin – a proportion that has hardly changed in the last 50 years. Accompany with the fast growing structural change of demographic and social-economic environment in the west European countries, these countries start facing the challenge raise by lacking workforce. Following EU enlargement, labour mobility have become a subject of debate, which also been closely concerned by EU authorities and the member countries. 2006 therefore had been chosen as the European year of workers’ mobility to help European citizens realize their rights of moving. This paper is attempted to find out: 1.how many labours commuting cross- borders between member countries? 2. what are the incentives and obstacles of labours commute between member countries? 3. what is the correlation between labour mobility and European economic integration? 4. what are the policies which help boosting the labour mobility in the EU?


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