  • 學位論文


A Study of German Foreign Aid Policy- China as a Case Study

指導教授 : 蔡政文


在二次世界大戰後,在兩極體系的制約下,非暴力手段逐漸為國家所採用,而在這之中以經濟手段最具效力,而在現今全球化的國際社會中,經濟力量的使用仍為國家發揮影響力的重要手段,因此經濟手段中的對外援助的影響正是本文試圖探究的。而在二次大戰後德國在國際上一直未能獲得完整活動空間,主要是上層政治上的限制,但德國在國際上仍有重要影響力,甚至還成為歐洲統合中的重要核心力量,其主因即是德國經濟力量的崛起及經濟影響力的展現。綜合上述,本文試圖以施洛德政府時期德國對外援助政策為研究對象,試圖了解德國經濟力量的展現,並援引德國對中國的援助做為個案探討,以了解德國援外政策的執行及成效。而在採用的理論方面,由於在全球化的時代很多議題無法由單一國家解決,必須透過各國的合作才能有所成效,所以本文以新自由主義為主,希望透過新自由主義檢視德國的對外援助政策。 德國對外援助政策自1960年代以來蓬勃發展,直到現在德國仍為國際上對外援助投入最力的國家之一,在西元2000年千禧年宣言後,世界各國對援外政策都有所調整,而德國也不例外,在施洛德執政時期為了達成千禧年目標,德國率先推出2015行動計劃做為德國援外的總方針,並結合蒙特瑞宣言及約翰尼斯堡實行計劃,奠定了2000年至2015的德國援外政策,也凸顯出德國援外政策對全球化議題的關注,如貧窮、永續發展、再生能源及良好治理等議題,除此之外,德國經濟合作發展部也調整德國援外機構,使其更為合理化,以增進其效率。在德國援助中國方面,中國是德國對外援助策略上所著重的國家,中國擁有眾多貧窮人口,並且在環保、經濟及政治制度上均需要援助,而德國也提供一系列的援助,也在合作的基礎上廣化及深化合作,如在法律對話方面將對話內容擴及人權議題以及透過再生能源援助促進中國再生能源的使用等,也因此我們得以探知德國對中援助的執行及成效。 透過德國及中國的互動我們發現德國對中國援助成效顯著,而中國方面也有善意的回應,如中國人權入憲及再生能源法的實行等,雙方透過合作而關係日益緊密,如德國也支持歐盟對中解除武器禁運,中國也支持德國成為聯合國常任理事國等,彼此因為合作而獲利,並也有利於區域穩定及全球永續發展,雖然在也發現新現實主義具有部分解釋力,但大體上我們發現德國援外政策是符合新自由主義的觀點,也相信未來世界是趨向和平的。


Since the end of World War II, the nonviolent means have been adopted gradually by countries because of the restriction of bipolar international system. And the most effective one is economic means. Even in this globalized world, the economic means always maintain essential position in foreign policy. One of the most popular economic means is Foreign aid. Besides, after World War II, German activity was restricted by other countries in high political arena. However, Germany still has great influence in international society, and plays a main role in European Integration. The core reason is the raise and use of German economic power. Due to those reasons, this thesis would focus on German foreign aid policy. In addition, this thesis adopts China as a case study because China is Germany’s important partner state and cooperates closely with each other in many foreign aid-relevant areas. This thesis is based on the perspectives of neoliberalism and the application of these perspectives would be useful for us to explain and analyze German foreign aid policy. German foreign aid policy grew vigorous since 1960s, and until now Germany is still one of the biggest donor states in the world. After the appearance of Millennium Declaration, all donor states have adjusted their foreign aid policy to achieve MDGs. Germany also realigns it’s foreign aid policy and has taken a concrete strategy for the implementation of Millennium Declaration and the MDGs with its Program of Action 2015. The Program is an inter-ministerial, foreign aid-policy framework program to reduce poverty. It serves, in particular, to coordinate activities, ensure coherence in foreign aid policy and involve civil society as well as the private sector. Through the interaction of Germany and China, we discover the effect of German foreign aid policy is outstanding. And China has a positive reaction to German aid. Both sides all gain from the cooperation. Therefore, we recognize the great explanatory power of neoliberalism, and believe that the global society tends to be peace in the future.




