  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Humanoid Robot for Skating Motion

指導教授 : 翁慶昌


本論文設計與實現一台具有視覺的溜冰人形機器人,機器人除了具有基本的滑行動作之外,機器人亦可以自主決定適當的決策來達到自主爬起、自主平衡以及視覺自主導航等功能。機器人具有26個自由度,並依據各關節施力大小的不同選用四種不同扭力的伺服馬達來讓機器人之結構足以實現基本滑行動作。機器人之處理核心是以凌陽科技的μ’nsp數位訊號處理器與Altera公司的嵌入式軟核心處理器Nios II來構成一個雙處理器控制架構。在自主爬起之設計與實現上,本論文使用加速度感測器來讓機器人偵測其是否倒在地上,並且讓機器人能夠自主爬起。在自主平衡之設計與實現上,本論文使用壓力感測器來讓機器人偵測其零力矩點(ZMP)以及零力矩點的差(∆ZMP),本論文提出一個兩輸入與一輸出之模糊平衡系統,其可以產生一適合之修正動作m 來調整一些馬達的角度,讓機器人在斜坡上滑行時亦能夠自主平衡。在視覺自主導航之設計與實現上,本論文使用CMOS感測器來讓機器人取得環境之影像資訊,μ’nsp執行影像處理來擷取地板上的線,一些策略被設計與實現在μ’nsp上來讓機器人可以依據視覺影像所擷取之地上的線,然後沿線自主滑行,實現溜冰機器人視覺自主導航的功能。從實驗結果可以證明所完成的溜冰人形機器人確實可以完成溜冰基本滑行動作、自主爬起、自主平衡與視覺自主導航等功能。


A design and implement method of a humanoid robot for skating is proposed in this thesis. The implemented humanoid robot not only can do basic skating motion, but also can make suitable decision to get up, balance, and navigation by itself based on the detected information from the accelerometer, force sensor, and CMOS sensor. A mechanism structure with 26 degrees of freedom (DOF) is design and four kinds of servo motors with different torque are used so that the implemented humanoid robot can do some basic skating motion. The digital signal process of μ’nsp made by SUNPLUS and the embedded soft core processor of NIOS II made by Altera are used to construct a two-processor control scheme. One accelerometer is installed on the robot to detect whether the robot falls down or not and a control strategy is made to let the robot get up by itself. Force sensors are installed on the feet of robot to calculate its Zero Moment Point (ZMP) and difference of ZMP. A two-input-and-one-output fuzzy balancing system is proposed to modify the angle of some servo motors so that the robot can also balance when it skates on an inclined plane. One CMOS sensor is used to capture the environment image and the image process is implemented on u’nsp to detect the lines on the floor. The strategy is design and implemented on u’nsp so that the vision-based robot can do some appropriate skating motion to follow the line. From the experiment results, we can see the implemented skating humanoid robot actually can do some basic skating motion, get up by itself, autonomous balance, and vision-based autonomous navigation.


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