  • 學位論文

設計過程中敘事方式與概念形成之研究 ─空間設計的認知模型之發展

A Study on the Narrative Process and Concept Development of Design -cognitive model on spatial design

指導教授 : 鄭晃二


本研究的目的是以認知的角度,來探討建構空間的途徑(the way of constructing a space)、並從既有的環境訊息中發展出操作概念的方法,進而提出一個空間設計的認知模型(cognitive model that forming space)。 首先,以語言學作為本研究的論述基礎,同時回顧現象學及文學兩方面的文獻理論,並分析喬治歐威爾小說作品《一九八四》中的事件文本,指出一文本的構成原則;再根據這些原則所呈現的觀點,進一步發展出建構設計思考的理論模型,並透過規劃案例的測試與操作,說明模型的操作方法及建構空間的認知過程。 本研究所提出空間設計的認知模型屬於一操作設計的方法工具,它具有三個主要功能──即有助於設計者充分的理解空間、立即的論述空間、有效的建構空間。而經由案例操作的測試後發現:(1)空間的意象、或是實質涵構是隨著時間不斷被附加詮釋的;(2)漸進式的鋪陳能讓空間的情境更容易被人接受及理解;(3)不同屬性的空間關係能夠透過情境的建構將彼此結合起來;(4)訊息的運用與話題的創造就是一種心智分析與組織的過程。 最後,本研究提出以下七點建構空間設計思考的方法原則: 一、「呈現」(to appear);以分段的主題來建構空間的論述。 二、「印象」(to impress);讓第一個主題具有整體的代表性。 三、「融入」(to sink);從持續的實際操作中找出切入點。 四、「脈絡」(to deduce);充分運用環境中既有的資訊。 五、「連結」(to vein);發展訊息網絡。 六、「橋段」(to plot);連結不同的資訊以創造有意義的情節。 七、「排場」(to cast);整理、分類並標示出網絡中的各種主題。


The purpose of this study is to discuss the way of constructing a space from cognitive view point. A way of operation concept is then developed from existing environment information. Then, a cognitive model forming space is proposed. First, linguistics serves as the fundamentals of this study. Review on bibliographical theories related to phenomenology and literature, and analysis on the text of《Nineteen Eighty-Four》by George Orwell constitute principles for the text. A theory model of Design Thinking is further constructed based on view points presented by theses principles. Through test and operation on planned cases, the operation method and cognitive process of spatial construct are described. The Cognitive Model of Spatial Design in this study is a method tool for operation design. It performs three main functions, i.e. assist the designer to fully understand space, instantly study space, and effectively construct space. After case operation test, it is found that: (1) the image of space or physical context continues to be added and interpreted as time goes by; (2) sequential layout allows the space scenario to be more easily accepted and understood; (3) Spatial relationships of different attributes may be combined through scenario construct; and (4) Information use and topic creation are a type of mental analysis and organization process. Finally, 7 method rules for Design Thinking of Spatial Construct are proposed in this study: 1. To Appear: Spatial construct from paragraph topics. 2. To impress: The first topic represents the whole. 3. To sink: Find entry points from continual practical operation. 4. To deduce: Fully utilize existing information in the environment. 5. To vein: Develop information network 6. To plot: Combine different information to create meaningful plot. 7. To cast: arrange, classify and label various topics in the network.


1987 《形名學與敘事理論》台北:聯經出版公司。
Alexander, C.
Bachelard, G.
Baudrillard, J
Bourdieu, P.


