  • 學位論文


Bi-level Nonlinear Programming for Setting Treatment Fee–A case of the Subsidy Decision to Recycled Printers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 時序時


本研究利用兩階層非線性數學規劃模型解析台灣地區廢印表機回收費率制訂的問題。其中高階為環保署基金管理委員會,目標為回收基金的收支平衡;而低階為處理業者,其目標則為提升回收率,以獲取最大的補貼。由於兩者的目標不一致,透過此模型可反映出其衝突與互動本質,而得以重新制訂回收費率。 隨著時代的進步,人類耗損地球資源的速度越來越驚人,但資源並非取之不竭,全球泛起資源如何有效再利用的議題,因此資源回收成為近年來全世界所討論的焦點。我國行政院環境保護署於1998年成立資源回收管理基金管理委員會 (基管會),負責推動各項公告應回收一般廢棄物之資源回收工作,希望藉由制訂回收清除處理費率提高回收率、並降低環境汙染。費率制訂除了影響基管會之運作外,亦牽涉到受補貼之回收處理業者及被徵收之責任業者。本研究將此階層關係簡化後,以兩階層非線性數學規劃模型表達。在雙方目標不同但決策又彼此互相影響雙方的目標函數,因而得以建立廢資訊物品回收費率制定之模型。 兩階層非線性規劃問題較為複雜,為簡化求解過程以及不增加問題的複雜度,利用shih et.al (1996)所提出之模糊趨近法 (Fuzzy Approach) 轉換為一低階非線性數學規劃模型進行求解。分析結果發現,處理業者之回收意願受到補貼費率及回收處理成本之影響。因此資源回收政策的推動,制訂最適的回收清除處理補貼費率非常重要。接著對回收清除處理補貼費率進行敏感度分析,驗證本模型之穩健性。最後再將本研究所建立之兩階層規劃模型與現行之費率進行比較,發現本研究之模型較符合利益關係人之互動情況,可供實務上進行費率制訂作業時之參考。


The research attempts to make a subsidy decision for recycling and treatment fee to recycled printers in Taiwan through a bi-level nonlinear programming model. The upper-level decision unit is Recycling Fund Management Board (RFMB), Environmental Protection Administration of ROC Government (Taiwan), and it’s goal tries to balance the recycling fund. The lower-level's is recycling industries, and their goal is to increase recycling ratio and to profits subsidy for recycling operations. Because both goals are conflict, the model can reflect the interactive behavior and obtain a balanced solution. Because the earth resources are often scarce, recycling is the most important issue for protect our environment. In 1998, RFMB has been formed by setting up the recycling and treatment fee to recycling industries for controlling waste recycling materials for increasing recycling ratio and reducing the environment pollution. The funds are collected from manufacturers and importers for their responsibility. The determination of recycling subsidy can affect recycling industries, manufacturers, and RFMB itself. We simplify the problem as a bi-level nonlinear programming problem. They have different objective ,but their decision effect each objective. Therefore, we can establish the model of recycling and treatment fee to the e-waste. Bi-level nonlinear programming problem is more complicated. In order to simplify process and decrease the program complexity. We use Fuzzy Approach by Shih et.al (1996) to transform the program into a lower-level nonlinear programming problem. The results show that recycling operations is effected by subsidy and processing costs. For this reason, it’s Important to make an appropriate subsidy decision for recycling and treatment fee to drive the recycling policy. In addition, sensitivity analysis is processed along with the amount of subsidy to verified the robustness of the proposed model of. Hence, the model can be regarded as a useful tool for treatment fee setting on recycled printers in Taiwan in the future.


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