  • 學位論文


Journal Article Publication Patterns of LIS Faculty in Taiwan from 2000 to 2014

指導教授 : 陳亞寧


我國圖書資訊學歷經學科整合、科技發展及教育變革等發展,進而影響各圖書資訊學系所之研究發展與其師資陣容與特色。然而,針對我國圖書資訊學之研究發展,較少以圖書資訊學系所專任教師為對象,探討教師之研究脈絡與研究交流情形,進而分析所屬系所之學術交流行為。 本研究分析我國圖書資訊學系所專任教師發表之期刊文獻,探討教師以及所屬系所之出版樣式,以近15年(2000年至2014年)我國九間圖書資訊學系所74位專任教師發表之1,528篇期刊文獻為研究對象,並透過內容分析法,以兩組分類人員採用「圖書資訊學學術文獻主題分類表」分析1,528篇期刊文獻主題。以Kappa值檢驗分類一致性,結果約為76%,呈現相當一致性(61%-80%)。另外藉由社會網路分析(Social Network Analysis,SNA)中的派系分析(clique analysis)及UCINet軟體與Gephi軟體分析圖書資訊學專任教師之個別教師與系所間的共著學群。除此之外,本研究橫跨15年,也進一步區分為三個五年時期以分析我國圖書資訊學系所專任教師發表期刊文獻之演變。 本研究主要研究結果如下: ●圖書資訊學理論與基礎為我國圖書資訊學系所專任教師主要研究主題。 ●圖書資訊學系所專任教師之研究主題逐漸呈現集中現象。 ●圖書資訊學系所專任教師漸以共著為主要發表模式。 ●圖書資訊學系所專任教師以 1、2 人作者發表之文獻為主。 ●圖書資訊學系所專任教師主要與圖書資訊學系所學生共著。 ●共著情形下,以黃慕萱老師之共著產量最為顯著。 ●每個圖書資訊學主題之共著文獻,都有自己的主要生產教師。 ●圖書資訊理論與基礎獲得我國圖書資訊學系所專任教師的研究重視。 ●我國圖書資訊學系所專任教師彼此間之共著,以臺大圖資系所發表之共著文獻數量最為顯著 ●就系所而言,以臺大圖資系所發表之共著文獻數量最為顯著。然而,將系所發表共著文獻以系所所屬教師人數標準化後,則以政治大學發表共著文獻最為顯著。 ●就涵蓋圖書資訊學主題而言,以臺大圖資系所於 4 個主題發表之文獻數量最為顯著。 ●就社會網路派系分析之共著群組結果而言,黃慕萱老師於 4 個集群中出現,為我國圖書資訊學系所教師間之主要學術合作者。 ●就社會網路派系分析之共著群組結果而言,以柯皓仁老師發表 4 個主題,橫跨主題範圍最為廣泛。 ●就社會網路派系分析之共著群組結果而言,臺大圖資系所與淡江資圖系所之共著關聯最為密切。 ●就社會網路派系分析之 7 個圖書資訊學系所專任教師共著群組而言,臺大圖資系所與臺師大圖資所及世新資傳系所之共著主題包含 4 個,範圍最為廣泛。 ●就社會網路派系分析之圖書資訊學系所的共現情形而言,臺大圖資系所和淡江資圖系所為主要的共著對象。 基於上述之研究結果,可提供圖書資訊學系所研究生、圖書資訊學系所教師、圖書資訊學系所與學術發展政策作決策參考之用。


Although a few studies have investigated the Library and Information Science (LIS) publication patterns in Taiwan, no study has selected journal articles published by LIS faculty as subject to examine publication patterns. This study aims to examine the journal article publication patterns of LIS in Taiwan. Seventy-four LIS faculty members and 1,528 journal articles published by them between 2000 and 2014 were selected as subject. Content analysis was conducted by two groups with a background in information organization to classify the categories of 1,528 journal articles; the Kappa value was 76% and attained to level of substantial (between 61% and 80%). Furthermore, clique analysis of social network analysis (SNA) and UCINet software and Gephi software were also used to examine the co-authorship clusters among LIS faculty in terms of individual faculty and LIS institute level. In addition to study across 15 years, this study also separated 15 years into three individual periods of 5 years each to investigate the evolutional pattern of journal articles published by LIS faculty in Taiwan. The results of this study are summarized as follows: ●The theories and foundation of LIS is the main research topic studied by LIS faculty in Taiwan. ●The categories studied by LIS faculty have gradually converged into a few LIS topics. ●Coauthorship has become the main publication model used by LIS faculty. ●The authorship pattern of LIS faculty is mainly composed of two models as follows: single author or coauthorship made up of two individuals. ●Within the coauthorship pattern, LIS students (either undergraduate or graduate) and an LIS faculty member has become the most popular collaboration pattern. ●Among coauthorships between LIS faculty, Professor Mu-Hsuan Huang has become the most productive coauthor. ●Each LIS category of research has its own key productive persons. ●The category of the theories and foundation of LIS has gained the majority of study attention from the LIS faculty. ●Within coauthorships between LIS faculty, the LIS department of National Taiwan University has published the most coauthored articles. ●In terms of institute level, the Department and Graduate Institute of LIS of National Taiwan University had the most coauthored articles published. After the amount of coauthored publications was normalized by number of faculty members, the Graduate of Library,Information and Archival Studies of National Chengchi University had the most published coauthored articles. ●In terms of coverage of seven main categories of LIS research topics,publications published by the Department and Graduate Institute of LIS of National Taiwan University covered the most research categories (i.e., 4) in Taiwan. ●In terms of coauthorship cluster, Professor Mu-Hsuan Huang is the most popular collaborator with other LIS faculty (i.e., 4 clusters) according to SNA clique analysis. ●In terms of coauthorship cluster, coauthorship papers published by Professor Hao-Ren Ke have covered the most LIS research categories (i.e., 4) according to SNA clique analysis. ●In terms of coauthorship cluster, the most popular coauthorship was the collaboration between the Department and Graduate Institute of LIS of National Taiwan University and the Department of Information and Library Science of Tamkang University according to SNA clique analysis. ●In terms of coauthorship coverage of 7 LIS categories, the highest number of categories covered is 4 by collaboration between the Department and Graduate Institute of LIS of National Taiwan University, the Graduate Institute of National Taiwan Normal University and the Department and Graduate Institute of Information and Communications of Shih Hsin University according to SNA clique analysis. ●In terms of co-occurrence of coauthorship between LIS institute, the Department and Graduate Institute of LIS of National Taiwan University and the Department of Information and Library Science of Tamkang University have become the most popular coauthship partners in Taiwan LIS according to SNA clique analysis Lastly, the results of this study are a useful decision-making reference for LIS graduate students, faculty, department and graduate institute, and research policy.


