  • 學位論文


Effect of konjac supplement on the bowl function and fecal composition in human

指導教授 : 陳曉鈴


現代人生活忙碌,常有腸胃道功能變差、習慣性便秘之情形。蒟蒻葡甘聚糖精粉 (glucomannan)是水溶性纖維,對紓解便秘具相當成效。本研究在探討服用4.5克/天蒟蒻纖維補充劑21天,對健康成年人調節腸道生理及糞便組成之效應。實驗為期七週:對照期三週 (服用安慰劑)、介入適應期一週及蒟蒻期三週 (服用蒟蒻精粉4.5克/天,每餐1.5克)。實驗期間參試者接受飲食控制,研究單位提供午、晚餐,早餐依個人飲食習慣攝取。參試者逐日填寫每日腸胃生理狀況紀錄表,含排便次數及排便重量,並於對照期及蒟蒻期最後一週收集一週內所有排出之糞便,進行排便重、水分含量、pH值測定、短鏈脂肪酸分析及糞便組成分析。 結果顯示:參試者之體位及腸道生理於服用蒟蒻補充劑後並無明顯變化。服用蒟蒻補充劑後,每日糞便乾濕重皆有顯著增加,濕重由120.9±18.8公克/天增加至146.3±19.6公克/天 (P<0.05) ,乾重由28.9±4.6公克/天增加至33.8±4.8公克/天 (P<0.05),糞便水分含量有增加的趨勢。短鏈脂肪酸濃度方面,利用氣相層析儀分析短鏈脂肪酸濃度,發現補充蒟蒻精粉提高新鮮糞便的乙酸、丙酸、正丁酸、異丁酸濃度 (P<0.05),糞便中短鏈脂肪酸排出量明顯增加 (P<0.05)。糞便pH值明顯下降變酸,由6.82±0.10下降至6.53±0.10 (P<0.05)。因此連續三週每日補充4.5克蒟蒻精粉不會使參試者產生自覺性腸道不舒服症狀,且可促進排便、增加糞便中短鏈脂肪酸濃度及降低糞便酸鹼值,達到顯著改善腸腔環境之效果。


蒟蒻 短鏈脂肪酸 腸道生理


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of konjac glucomannan (KGM) supplement (4.5 g/d) for 21 days on the intestinal function and fecal composition in human. The experimental design consisted 3 phases which included the basal period for 3 weeks、adaptation period for 1 week and the konjac period for 3 weeks. All sbjects consumed controlled lunch and dinner and self-selective breakfast troughout the study. During the konjac phase, subjects consumed 4.5 g of konjac glucomannan supplement with each meal (1.5 g/meal). All subjects were asked to record their own bowel function, defecation frequency and the total weight of feces everyday. Stools excreted in the last week of each period were fractionated into soluble fraction,plant material and bacterial fraction. Fecal moisture, pH and short chain fatty acid were determined in each period. The results showed the anthropometric measurements, bowel function, were not significantly different after the KGM supplement. The KGM supplement could significantly increase the daily wet stool output from 120.9±18.8 g/day to 146.3±19.6 g/day (p<0.05) and daily dry stool output from 28.9±4.6 to 33.8±4.8 g/day (p<0.05). The KGM supplement could significantly increase the concentration of fecal short chain fatty acid. The KGM supplement effectively reduced the fecal pH from 6.82±0.10 to 6.53±0.10 (p<0.05). In conclusion, low dose (4.5 g/d) of KGM supplement effectively promoted the stool output, the concentration of fecal short chain fatty acid and decreased the fecal pH without any adverse effect in healthy adults.


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