  • 學位論文


Separation Behavior and Maternal Attachment of hospitalized premature infants received kangaroo mother care

指導教授 : 李淑杏


本研究旨在探討袋鼠式護理(Kangaroo Mother Care; KMC)對住院早產兒住院期間的行為狀態及對其母親親子依附關係的影響,研究採類實驗性設計,以袋鼠式護理為早產兒住院期間之介入措施,透過錄影並記錄早產兒生理指標的變化,以安德森行為狀態量表(Anderson Behavioral State Scale, ABSS)進行評估,分析住院早產兒在母嬰分離期間之行為狀態,並以Muller的親子依附量表(Maternal Attachment Inventory; MAI)評估母親之親子依附關係。 研究個案取自台中市某醫學中心之住院早產兒,通過人體試驗委員會之審核後進行收案,同意參加此研究的早產兒母親與其住院早產兒為納入之研究對象,自2010年11月15日至2012年6月30日進行收案,依母親意願分別列入實驗組(袋鼠式護理介入)與控制組,實驗組由早產兒母親完成每次達60分鐘之袋鼠式護理共6次後,住院早產兒於餵奶擺位後獨處時段進行60分鐘之保溫箱內行為錄影紀錄,控制組則依病房常規照護,同樣進行60分鐘的保溫箱內行為錄影紀錄,兩組早產兒皆以行為狀態前測與後測,進行行為狀態評估,母親則於收案時與完成介入後進行親子依附評量,以分析袋鼠式護理之早產兒於住院期間母嬰分離(獨處)時的行為狀態,及對其母親親子依附關係的影響;完成者共16對母兒。 研究結果:早產兒安靜清醒狀態,實驗組前後測之平均百分比提高,與控制組比較達統計顯著差異(18%vs 3%, p=.001);嗜睡狀態,實驗組後測之平均百分比降低,與控制組比較達統計顯著差異( 1%vs 9%, p=.000);安靜睡眠狀態,實驗組後測平均百分比提升14%,控制組則下降1%,兩組之前後測差值未達統計顯著差異(37% vs 27%, p=.17),不安睡眠狀態,實驗組前後測之平均百分比降低,且具差異之顯著性(37%vs 18%, p=.04),顯示袋鼠式護理對於住院早產兒的行為狀態穩定性有幫助;在母親親子依附方面,實驗組於袋鼠式介入前後母親親子依附平均總分之比較,有統計上之顯著差異(p=.03),但與控制組比較,未達統計顯著差異(p=.18)。 研究結果提供住院早產兒合適之袋鼠式護理模式評估,並營造更適當完善的執行環境與流程之參考。


This quasi-experimental design study was to investigate Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) on the behavioral state of hospitalized preterm infants during hospitalization and the attachment to their mothers. Six sessions of 60-min KMC for 6 times were practiced at a medical center hospital in Taichung City. Premature infants and their mothers recruited under IRB review, agreed to participate in this study, and the Anderson Behavioral State Scale (Anderson Behavioral State Scale, ABSS) was used to assess the behavior of premature infants during hospitalization and Muller's Maternal Attachment Inventory( MAI) was used to assess attachment of their mothers. Results: Premature infants in KMC group compared to infants of control group had a more quiet awake state which showed a statistically significant difference (18% vs 3%, p = .001); in the state of drawsy, there was a statistically significant difference between KMC group compared with the control group (1% vs 9%, p = .000). KMC group showed more quiet sleep (37% vs 27%), but not reach a significant difference was found in this study. Post test of Maternal attachment scores were higher among the KMC mothers, and showed a statistically significant difference (p = .03). but not reach statistically significant difference (p = .18). These findings can be used to be an assessment guiding for giving appropriate kangaroo care model and create a more comfortable environment and implementation process for hospitalized preterm infants.


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