  • 學位論文


A world shoe factory joint venture manufacturer's health safety and green management research

指導教授 : 毛義方


各國製造工廠為滿足各品牌客戶要求,落實企業安全衛生及綠色管理為產業國際化的重要基礎,企業安全衛生及綠色管理層面非常的廣泛,但影響到日後企業經營管理的成效甚巨,面對大型製造工廠之安全衛生、環境管理及製造產品所產生的環境議題衝擊已為當前重要議題。 目前大型生產製造工廠已開始要求並進行協力廠商安全衛生、環境及產品綠色附加價值之管理,為種種要求,大型生產製造工廠開始建立自己的供應鏈管理體系,並制定一套對協力廠商的安全衛生及綠色管理評選標準,為此可評選出符合安全衛生及綠色管理需求的合作協力廠商。 本研究運用某跨國性製鞋工廠實際執行分布於亞洲中國、越南、泰國、印尼台灣共239家協力廠的現場訪視觀察及運用檢核表Check list進行分析,以安全衛生、消防管理、環境管理、綠色管理(包含有害物質管理、能資源管理、水資源管理、廢棄物管理等),作為遴選綠色協力廠商之項目,分析其安全衛生及綠色管理的執行情形, 研究結果顯示大於100人以上工廠,及格率高達94%,30~100人工廠及格率約56%,30人以下微型工廠對於安全衛生及綠色管理較為不足,相較之下工廠及格率僅有33%;另,工廠營業額越高針對工廠安全衛生及綠色管理水準也越高,年營業額超過3千萬美元的協力廠合格率為81%,年營業額落在1至3千萬美元的協力廠及格率為62%,年營業額低於5百萬美元協力廠及格率僅40%;資料分析顯示地區別對於安全衛生及綠色管理管理程度依序為泰國>印尼>越南>大陸>台灣;安全衛生及綠色管理各指標重視程度為環境管理>消防管理>安全衛生管理>有害物質管理>廢棄物管理>能源管理>水資源管理。對於協力廠商的安全衛生及綠色指標之管理適切性評估,指標中於安全衛生、消防管理、環境管理面向,因較能因應各委託品牌及各國法規要求,協力廠其符合度均高於綠色管理。 於此次安全衛生及綠色管理指標研究,分數尚未加權前,最具辨識力之指標為環境管理指標,分數加權後,最具辨識力之指標為安全衛生指標;於安全衛生及綠色各指標間相關性分析及加權後與總評核分數之相關性分析結果顯示,整體安全衛生及綠色管理各指標與總評核分數皆具有顯著正相關(p<0.05)。 建議未來可進一步探討Major issue設定是否與國家規定或品牌標準要求有關連性、評分權重調配、產業樣本數平均分配等,將此納入討論重點之一。


Abstract In order to meet the requirements of various brand customers, to implement the enterprise safety and green management is the important element of internationalization on the industry. The level of the safety and health and green management of enterprises are very wide, but it really heavily impact the enterprise management. Hence, the safety and health, environmental management and manufacturing products occurs from large manufacturing plants become a very important business issue. Large manufacturing plants are requested to implement the subcontractor management of safety and health, environment and additional product green value. For meet different kinds of requests, large manufacturing plants set the supply chain management system by themselves and formulate the selection criteria of safety and health and green management to subcontractor. The aim of the study is to explore the blue-chip subcontractor which is to meet the selection criteria of safety and health and green management. The study used the related information bases on the 239 subcontractors, including the auditing visits and the data analysis of check list. All of them was regarded as the selection criteria of green subcontractors, and the selection criteria was including safety and health, fire management, environmental management, green management , hazardous materials management, resource management, water management, and waste management . And the study adopted the selection criteria to analysis the degree of attention and relevance of the indicators of safety and health and green management for 239 subcontractors. The results showed that the factories of more than 100 employees , passing rate were 94%, the factories of 30 to 100 employees pass rate were 56%, under 30 people of the micro-factories for their safety and health and green management were insufficient, compared to the factory pass rate of only 33 %. In addition, the factory profit is higher and the level of safety and health and green management is also higher, the large-scale third-party firms pass rate of 81%, the pass rate of small and medium-sized subcontractors was 62%, compared to micro-enterprises that might be less corporate culture and corporate resources, for the safety and health and green management was relatively lower, pass rate was only 40%. The results of data analysis showed that distinction and degree of the safety and health and green management is Thailand > Indonesia > Vietnam > Mainland China > Taiwan; each selection criteria of the safety and health and green management is environmental management > fire management > safety and health management > hazardous substance management > waste management > energy management > water management. In addition, the degree of attention and relevance of the indicators of safety and health and green management to 239 subcontractors, the selection criteria of safety and health, fire management, environmental management may be able to meet the request of brand and local regulations, and the subcontractor is also meet the higher degree of green management. In the study of the safety and health and green management index, score has not been weighted; after correlation analysis of each index and weighted core fraction of correlation analysis, according to the results of the index and the overall safety and health and green management overall core fraction has significant positive correlation(p<0.05). Finally, the study suggested further exploring the setting of “Major issue” which is related to the national regulations or brand standards, sub-indicators of the attention degree of each selection criteria, scoring weight deployment and the average number of samples distribution industry are needed.


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