  • 學位論文


A study on musculoskeletal discomfort symptoms of workers in a tire manufacturing plant

指導教授 : 盧士一


現今社會的發達,工業用機器人技術的成熟,然而輪胎製造業因多項生產製程皆須靠手工進行,屬於勞動力密集之傳統產業,且多為老舊廠房,內部設備新舊雜陳,對於自動化設備建置困難,目前輪胎製造業在化學品危害因子研究相對較多,在人因性危害因研究相對較少,故本研究以輪胎製造作業人員為研究對象,探討從業人員在肌肉骨骼不適症狀之危害風險,並給予改善建議。本研究運用北歐肌肉骨骼系統問卷調查表NMQ (Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire)及國際知名的作業姿勢分析方法OWAS(Ovako Working Posture Analysis System),評估輪胎製造業從業人員肌肉骨骼疾病傷害與危害程度,並針對高風險作業環境提出改善方案。 由333份NMQ問卷調查中發現有50位作業人員有自覺肌肉骨骼不適症狀發生,其中不適症狀之部位在中等疼痛以上之部位占整體比例以左肩19人次,占6%為最高、下背18人次,占5%次之、上背及右肩17人次,占5%排名第三,觀察有自覺肌肉骨骼不適症狀之作業勞工作業姿勢,推估為作業人員於作業中搬運各種重物,如搬運輪胎、輪胎入/出庫等作業,搬運重物再加上彎腰或旋轉身體時造成重心轉移而造成的。以OWAS評估方法評估6項作業,結果顯示有2項作業之風險等級屬於姿勢有極端的危害(行動等級AC4),主要的危害動作為抬舉。 整體來說,作業人員在自覺肌肉骨骼不適症狀之主要因素為不良的作業姿勢、過度施力造成的疲勞以及高重覆性動作造成累積性傷害等作業,可以利用作業環境調整、機械設備或工具的輔助,來減少作業人員在工作上高重覆性動作及不當施力,並可以透過職前教育訓練的宣導,教導作業人員如何透過自我保護正確的姿勢來降低肌肉骨骼累積性傷害。


In the modern advanced society with readily accessible industrial robotics technology, tire manufacturing remains a manual-labor intensive traditional industry with numerous procedures requiring human intervention. Located mainly in aging structures with mixture of interspersed new and old equipment, it remains difficult for this industry to automate operations. While studies relating to tire industry mostly focused on the detrimental effect to the environment during manufacturing, there has been relatively few research into the detrimental effect on the workers during the manufacturing process. The main focus of this study is to evaluate work-related musculoskeletal disorders of workers in the tire manufacturing industry and provide suggestions for improvements. Tire manufacturing workers interviewed in this study are evaluated with Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire NMQ (Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire) and international recognized Ovako Working posture Analysis System (OWAS) to assess musculoskeletal damages and dangers posed, while suggest possible solutions for high-risk operational environments. Out of 333 NMQ responses received, 50 respondents self-recognizes musculoskeletal disorders. Among the respondents, left shoulder (19People, 6%) composed the highest percentage, lower back (18People, 5%) 2nd , upper back and right shoulder (17People, 5%) places and 3rd.Observing the working posture of respondents who self-recognize musculoskeletal disorder, it seems that the main issue was the shifting center of gravity that occurs when bending over at the waist while carrying weighted materials (such as moving tires, moving tires in and out of the warehouse, moving heavy objects, turning over or turning over, bending over, etc). Risk assessment of 6 operations with OWAS resulted in 2 operational posture deemed to cause major strain and rated AC4 (Action required need take immediate), with the main dangerous action being the lift. These issues can be eased by Operating environment adjustment Auxiliary mechanical equipment or tools to decreased highly repetitive motion and improper force application, and by providing job-related training relating to proper posture to protect against cumulative musculoskeletal damage.


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