  • 學位論文


Tuberculosis Patients’ Quality of Life and Related Factors

指導教授 : 袁素娟


肺結核一直是台灣地區公共衛生上的重大課題,文獻顯示,與結核病治療失敗之相關因素有原發性抗藥性、藥物的副作用、病患自動停藥或不規則服藥及治療方式錯誤等。本研究旨在探討肺結核病患之生活品質及其相關因素,採橫斷式研究法,針對中台灣某醫學中心以立意取樣63位接受結核病治療之病患,採結構式問卷收集資料,資料經譯碼建檔後,以SPSS 10.0/PC套裝軟體進行統計分析。結果顯示:(1)肺結核治療滿2星期,仍有46%的病患不完全瞭解藥物服用的方法;55.6%病患不完全瞭解服用藥物後的副作用;(2)肺結核治療過程,感到最困擾的是副作用、藥太多及治療時間太長;(3)有77.8%的病患在服藥後產生副作用,最常見的為噁心、皮膚過敏、視力變差、腸胃不適;(4)社會支持來自公共衛生護士、個案管理師、醫院臨床醫護人員,但仍有6.3%的病患自覺未接受過衛生教育;(5)肺結核治療期間,生活品質四範疇得分中,以生理範疇得分最高,其次分別為心理範疇及環境範疇,其中社會範疇得分最低。(6)影響肺結核病患生活品質的因素有年齡、職業、經濟來源、慢性疾病。(7)影響肺結核病患綜合自我評估的因素有年齡、職業、經濟來源。建議未來肺結核病患管理應落實電腦化,以提供完整照護計畫,且針對年齡較高、無配偶及無子女者,加強照護,以提升病患之照護及生活品質。


Tuberculosis is an important issue in public health in Taiwan. Literature shows failures of tuberculosis treatment are related to primary drug resistance, drug’s side effect, patients’ stopping to take medication or poor compliance with medication, and malpractice, etc. The purpose of this study is to survey the life quality of patients with tuberculosis and factors involved. Through intentional sampling, this comparative cross-sectional study investigates 63 patients with diagnosis of tuberculosis who return to the clinic for following up at medical center in central Taiwan. The collected data was structured questionnaire via a face-to-face interview.SPSS10.0 of Windows analyzed the data. The result manifests: (1) After the two-week tuberculosis treatment, 46 percent of patients still lack thorough understanding of the way of taking medicine; 55 percent of the patients do not clearly understand the side-effects of the medication.(2) The most disturbing part during the treatment is the occurrence of side-effects, a lot of medication and the long duration of the treatment. (3) 77.8% patients suffer from side effects after taking medicine, nausea, irritated skin, poor vision, and poor appetite in particular. (4)The social support comes from the clinical public-health nurses, individual case managers, and clinical staff, but still 6.3% patients find themselves failing to receive hygiene education.(5)During the treatment period of the tuberculosis, the four categories of life quality are evaluated in each score. The physiology category gets the highest, the mental category and the environment category secondly, and the social category gets the lowest score. (6)The factors that influence life quality of tuberculosis include age, occupation, financial source as well as chronic disease. (7) The factors that influence holistic self- assessment of tuberculosis include age, occupation, as well as financial source. The suggestion is to focus on computerized management to provide a complete care project in the future. For those who are single, widowed ones or have no offspring, providing and strengthen the nursing care is essential so as to promote the patient's care and life quality.


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