  • 學位論文


Appetitive motivation and regulatory processes in adolescent ketamine users in comparison to matched control group

指導教授 : 何明洲


K他命濫用問題長期存在於台灣青少年族群間,且高比率出現於高職及進修部學生當中。過去針對酒癮的研究提出青少年成癮行為發展的雙歷程模式,此模式主張成癮行為的發展導因於動機歷程(內隱和外顯動機)以及執行功能歷程(冷熱執行功能)的不平衡。本研究欲應用雙歷程模式來檢驗使用K他命的台灣青少年族群是否在兩歷程與控制組有所差異。研究參與者為30名使用過K他命的青少年,以及32名配對的控制組。兩組在性別、年齡、教育年與教育體制(國中、高中、高職日間�進修部)無顯著差異。所有參與者皆先進行情緒促發作業(Affective priming task)來測量內隱動機,接著以對抗平衡設計決定不同參與者接受愛荷華賭局作業(Iowa gambling task)及停止信號作業(Stop signal task)的順序,分別測量熱執行功能及冷執行功能的表現。最後再填寫物質使用疾患確認檢核表(Drug Use Disorders Identification Test Extended)來測量外顯動機。研究結果顯示控制組相較於實驗組對使用K他命有較高的外顯正向及負向預期,內隱動機則無顯著差異。K他命使用者的熱執行功能(情緒決策能力)可能有受損,冷執行功能(抑制能力)則無。未來在臨床應用上,對青少年增加宣導長期使用物質後會帶來各項領域的危害,讓青少年有更具體的認知,以及設計相關活動增加青少年練習決策能力的機會,對預防和介入可能有所幫助。


Objectives: ketamine has been the most commonly used illicit drug between juvenile in Taiwan. A dual process model proposes that addictive behaviors develop in adolescents as a result of an imbalance between an appetitive, approach-oriented system (implicit and explicit attitudes) and a regulatory executive system (cool and hot executive functions). We aimed to examine the appetitive and regulatory processes in adolescent ketamine users in comparison to matched healthy adolescent in Taiwan. Method: Participants were 30 adolescent ketamine users and 32 nondrug controls,matched with sex, age, education years and education systems. Both groups completed the affective priming task (APT), stop-signal task (SST), an Iowa Gambling Task (IGT), and finally a Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDITE). Results: The control group had a higher level of both positive and negative outcome expectancy regarding using ketamine than the ketamine users. There was no significant between-group performance difference in the affective priming task. The ketamine users may have poorer performance on hot executive functions than the controls, but their cold executive functions remain intact. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that education to change adolescents’outcome expectancy toward ketamine and to improve decision-making is important in prevention and intervention programs in adolescents.


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