  • 學位論文


The effects of Dioscorea alata、Tongkat Ali、 Arginine、Sildenafil on the heart of BALB/c mouse Phosphodiesterase in vivo study

指導教授 : 徐成金


世界衛生組織指出心血管疾病是全球致死率的第一名,而在臺灣心血管疾病也在十大死因中名列前茅,因此心血管疾病的預防和治療變的相當重要。 磷酸二酯解酶是由十一個酵素所組成的酵素家族,分布在不同的組織,表現於人類心臟的為:PDE1、PDE2、PDE3、PDE4、PDE5、PDE8、PDE9[6-11],分別可以水解cGMP和cAMP,而cGMP和cAMP為重要的第二傳訊者,所以能調控磷酸二酯酶的表現在臨床治療上有很大的幫助。 目前已知與心血管疾病相關的磷酸二酯解酶抑制劑如:威而剛和米力農。威而剛(sildenafil)是第五型磷酸二酯解酶的抑制劑,可治療肺高血壓;而第三型磷酸二酯解酶的抑制劑:米力農(Milrinone)則用於鬱血性心衰竭的短期治療。 到目前為止,抑制磷酸二酯解酶的研究皆是使用藥物或抑制劑,尚缺天然食物是否可調控磷酸二酯解酶的表現的研究,因此,本篇研究目的在探討小鼠餵食四週大汕山藥、精胺酸、東哥阿里和威而剛是否影響心臟磷酸二酯解酶的表現。飼料添加人體服用劑量的大汕山藥、精胺酸、東哥阿里、威而剛餵食雄性Balb/c小鼠,四週後犧牲,採血液、心臟進行分析。研究結果顯示,小鼠血清中一氧化氮的濃度皆有增加,而大汕山藥會顯著增加PDE2A的表現,顯著降低PDE3A、PDE5A、PDE8B的表現,但會增加PDE1A、PDE3B的表現;Arginine會顯著增加PDE2A、PDE3B的表現;Tongkat Ali會顯著增加PDE2A的表現,顯著降低PDE3A、PDE3B 、PDE5A、PDE8B的表現;Sildenafil顯著降低PDE3A、PDE5A、PDE8B表現,顯著增加PDE3B的表現,但抑制PDE1A表現。 因此本實驗證實,大汕山藥、Arginine 、Tongkat Ali、Sildenafil會影響心臟磷酸二酯解酶的表現。


World Health Organization suggests that cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death globally. In Taiwan, cardiovascular diseases are also among top ten causes of death; thus how to prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases become very important. Phosphodiesterases, a super family consisting of 11 enzymes, distribute in many tissues. In human heart, PDE1、PDE2、PDE3、PDE4、PDE5、PDE8 and PDE9[6-11] are responsible to hydrolyze the cyclic nucleotide cAMP and cGMP. Both cAMP and cGMP are major second messengers that play important roles in signal transductions. Therefore, regulation of phosphodiesterases is helpful in clinical therapy. So far, the known phosphodiesterases inhibitors related to cardiovascular diseases include sildenafil and milrinone. Sildenafil is type 5 phosphodiesterases inhibitor that can treat pulmonary hypertension. Milrinone is type 3 phosphodiesterases inhibitor used for treat congestive heart failure for short term. However, it remains unknown that whether nature food has effect on phosphodiesterases expression. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine whether yam、Arginine、Tongkat Ali、Sildenafil are able to affect heart phosphodiesterases expression in mice. Yam、Arginine、Tongkat Ali、Sildenafil were added into mice diet as human used dosage. After supplementing for four weeks, plasma and heart phosphodiesterases expression were analyzed. Results showed that yam、Arginine、Tongkat Ali and Sildenafil could increase plasma nitric oxide concentration and yam could significantly increase PDE2A expression and decrease PDE3A、PDE5A、PDE8B expression; Arginine increased PDE2A、PDE3B expression; Tongkat Ali increased PDE2A expression and decreased PDE3A、PDE3B、PDE5A、PDE8B expression; Sildenafil increased PDE3B expression and decreased PDE3A、PDE5A、PDE8B expression as well as decreases PDE1A expression. Theses findings support that yam、Arginine、Tongkat Ali、Sildenafil could affect heart phosphodiesterases expression.


phosphodiesterases yam Arginine Tongkat Ali Sildenafil


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