  • 學位論文

探討台灣國中生社會網絡指標和位置與 被霸凌經驗及心理健康的關聯性

Effect of social network indicator and position on bullied experience and mental health among junior high school student in Taiwan

指導教授 : 江宜珍




Objectives: The purpose of this study was to realize the rate of bullied behaviors among junior high school student in Taiwan and to investigate the effect of social network positions on bullied experiences and mental health. Methods: Data were obtained part of a research plan: “The relationship of health and characters of Taiwan junior high school students in School violence”. The sample involved 2, 474 seventh to ninth graders in northern, middle, southern and eastern Taiwan via stratified, multistage, random cluster sampling. UCINET software were utilized to obtain the social network indicators. Social network positions were used peer nomination (nominate up to three classmates), and then based on the numbers of indegree and outdegree to classify as isolate, source, sinks, clique member and liaisons. Bullied behaviors can be classified into three types as physical, verbal and relation. Logistic regression models and Linear regression models were analyzed by SAS software. Results: lower indegree and height outdegree were more likely to be bullied (physical/verbal/ relational) ; more used self-deprecating humor who had poor mental health; who had more Peer-Valued Characteristics then his mental health well Conclusions: Social network positions were significantly associated with bullied experience. Teachers should recognize the association for school bullying prevention.


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