  • 學位論文


Correlation between the Health Beliefs and Self-management Behavior on Rehabilitation for Stroke Patients

指導教授 : 邱怡玟


腦中風在臺灣一直是十大死因中前四名的疾病,近來年即使死亡率已經逐漸下降,但存活的患者往往有不同程度的失能,因此如何協助病患有意義的繼續往後的生活,是非常重要的。由於腦中風病人的病程較為複雜,疾病能不能控制得好,其預後及成效與病人的信念及自我管理行為息息相關,特別是漫長的復健過程,因此本研究目的在瞭解個案的健康信念與復健自我管理行為之現況,並探討腦中風個案健康信念與復健自我管理行為之相關性,期許在治療的黃金期間內,激發出腦中風病人的潛力,以達到復健最佳成效。 本研究採橫斷式調查,研究對象為中部某區域醫院診斷為半年內的腦中風病人,以結構性問卷進行調查,問卷回收後,利用SPSS22.0套裝軟體進行描述性及推論性統計分析。研究結果發現,個案平均年齡為64.0歲,以男性、沒有工作者居多,日常活動功能平均52.18分,整體健康信念和自我管理行為均屬中上程度;且整體自我管理行為與整體健康信念、自覺嚴重性、自覺利益性、自覺障礙性呈現統計之顯著正相關,健康信念得分越高,自我管理行為就會越好。本研究結果可作為臨床實務照顧腦中風病人的參考,並建議未來研究可繼續作長期追蹤探討。


Stroke has always been the top four disease among the ten leading causes of death in Taiwan. Even though the mortality rate has gradually decreased in recent years, the surviving patients often have varying degrees of disability. Therefore, it is very important to help the patients to continue their lives in a meaningful way. As the course of stroke patients is more complicated, whether the disease can be controlled well, its prognosis and effectiveness are closely related to the patient’s beliefs and self-management behaviors, especially the long rehabilitation process. The purpose of this study was to understand the case’s health beliefs and rehabilitation self-management behaviors, and to explore the correlation between health beliefs and rehabilitation self-management behaviors of stroke cases. It is hope that within the golden period of treatment, the potential of stroke patients will be stimulated to achieve the best results of rehabilitation. In this study, a cross-sectional survey was adopted. The research objects were stroke patients diagnosed within six months in a regional hospital in the central Taiwan. The survey was conducted with a structured questionnaire. After the questionnaire was collected, the SPSS22.0 software package was used for descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. The results of the study found that the average age of the cases was 64.0 years old, most of them were men and unemployed. The average daily activity function was 52.18 points. The overall health beliefs and self-management behaviors were both at the middle to upper level. Moreover, overall self-management behavior was statistically significantly positively correlated with overall health beliefs, self-conscious severity, self-conscious benefits, and self-conscious obstacles. The higher the health belief score, the better the self-management behavior would be. The results of this study can be used as a reference for clinical practice to care for stroke patients, and it is recommended that future studies can continue to be followed up for long-term exploration.


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