  • 學位論文


The relationship of stress with food intake and sleep quality in university students

指導教授 : 翁玉青


本研究主要目的在探討壓力與營養攝取、體位、睡眠及身體活動量之關係,調查對象為中部某大學日間部一年級學生,採不記名自填式問卷型式。問卷內容包含五個部分:A.基本背景資料;B.壓力知覺量表(PSS-10);C.匹茲堡睡眠品質量表(PSQI);D.國際身體活動量問卷台灣短版(IPAQ);E.飲食頻率問卷及24小時飲食回憶紀錄。 結果發現:(1)本研究受試大學生的壓力知覺量表(PSS-10)平均得分為16.77±5.87分,約25%的大學生處於壓力程度高的狀態(PSS積分≧21)。(2)高壓力組(PSS積分≧21)的水果攝取頻率顯著低於低壓力組(PSS積分<21),而在加工食品及點心攝取頻率上則顯著高於低壓力組。(3)將醣類和脂質攝取量以平均值區各分為高醣類和脂質攝取組(高於平均值)及低醣類和脂質攝取組(低於平均值),高醣類攝取組的壓力分數顯著高於低醣類攝取組;高脂質攝取組的壓力分數上也較高但並無統計上的顯著差異;此外也發現有攝取蔬菜組的壓力分數顯著低於無攝取蔬菜組。(4)睡眠方面,高壓力組的睡眠品質較差;睡眠品質差組(PSQI>5)的壓力分數與壓力程度高的比例均顯著高於睡眠品質佳組(PSQI≦5);且高壓力組的睡眠時數顯著少於低壓力組。進一步依睡眠時數將受試者分為小於6小時、6-8小時及大於8小時三個組別,小於6小時組的壓力分數與壓力程度高的比例顯著高於其他兩組。(5)體位方面,低壓力組為正常體位的比例顯著較高。(6)身體活動量方面,低壓力組屬於活動量高的比例較高,但無顯著差異。   本研究結果顯示壓力可能造成不健康的飲食行為及體位,並影響睡眠品質,建議正視大學生壓力問題,避免長期的壓力導致嚴重的健康危害。


壓力 營養攝取 睡眠品質 體位 大學生


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among stress, nutrition intake, body weight category, sleep quality and physical activity in college students. The anonymous self-report questionnaire with four sections was used, including A. Demographic imformation;B. Perceived Stress Scale-10;C. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index(PSQI);D. International Physical Activity Questionnaire(IPAQ);E. Food frequency questionnaire(FFQ)and 24-hour dietary recall.   The results showed:(1)the mean PSS score of the participants is 16.77±5.87, and approximately 25% of participants are classified as high perceived stress group(PSS score≧21). (2)The frequency of eating fruits in high perceived stress group was significantly lower than low perceived stress group(PSS score<21),and the frequency of eating processed food and snack were significantly higher.(3)Both of carbonhydrate and fat intake were divided into high and low intake groups by respective average intake. PSS score of high carbonhydrate intake group was significantly higher than low carbonhydrate intake group, and PSS score of high fat intake group was also higher than low fat intake group, but there’s no statistically significant difference between groups. Moreover, PSS score of having vegetable intake group was significantly lower than without having vegetable intake group(=0 serving/day). (4)Sleep quality in high perceived stress group was significantly worse than in low perceived stress group;PSS score of poor sleepers(PSQI>5)was significantly higher than good sleepers(PSQI≦5);The hours of sleep in high perceived stress group was significantly less than low perceived stress group. In addition, participants were classified into three groups: less than 6 hours, 6-8 hours and more than 8 hours, especially PSS score of less than 6 hours group was the highest among three groups.(5)The percentage of normal weight in low perceived stress group was significantly higher than in high perceived stress group.(6)The percentage of vigorous activity in low perceived stress group was higher than in high perceived stress group, but there’s no statistically significant difference. The results from this study showed that stress may affect nutritional intake, eating behaviors and sleep quality. We suggested that the problem of stress among college students should be paid more attention due to its potential influence in nutrition status and various health conditions.


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