  • 學位論文


The Survey on Eating Disorders Related Thoughts, Behaviors and Their Relationship with Food Intakes in 9-12 Years Old Elementary Students

指導教授 : 翁玉青


本研究主要目的在瞭解台中市國小中高年級學生的體型意識、具病態飲食行為傾向的盛行率及相關危險因子的探討,再以具病態飲食行為傾向的高危險及低危險群,比較其減重方法、用餐情形、實際營養攝取及進行運動行為之動機是否有差異。以匿名自填式問卷為研究工具,共分為五個部分:(A)基本資料、用餐情形、體型意識(B)體型受嘲笑經驗(C)青春期發展(D)飲食態度測驗(Children’s Eating Attitudes Test,ChEAT-26)(E)24小時飲食回憶法。結果發現:1.男、女學童其「實際體型」、「自我認知體型」、「期望體型」非常不一致;17.1%的男學童及26.4%女學童高估自己的體型,62.7%的男學童及63.3%女學童期望體重小於實際體型,且有42.7%的男學童及49.3%女學童希望自己能再瘦一點;2.不論何種體型分別有26.2%及25.0%的男學童及女學童有減重經驗;3.全部國小中高年級學童中45.3%的人沒有因體型受嘲笑的經驗,但有32.9%男學童及28.9%女學童有中度/高度因體型受嘲笑經驗,且其中有11.4%的人受嘲笑後有高強度難過感受;4.ChEAT-26平均分數為9.80±7.70,有11.4%的國小中高年級學童為具病態飲食行為傾向的高危險群(ChEAT-26≧20,EAT(+));結果顯示「實際體型」、「體型受嘲笑經驗」、「自我認知體型與實際體型差」、「體型滿意度」、「受到大部份的人、同學朋友、影視明星對體型的影響」及「有減重經驗」為有效預測男、女學童EAT(+)的危險因子;5. EAT(+)的男、女學童皆較常使用運動來減重;6.EAT(+)的女學童每天吃午、晚餐的頻率顯著小於EAT(-),顯示女學童易省略正餐,因此用餐情形較差;而營養素方面:EAT(+)的男學童其蛋白質、菸鹼酸及維生素B6的攝取量略高於EAT(-)的男學童;EAT(+)的女學童只有磷的攝取量略高於EAT(-)的女學童;7.不論男、女,EAT(+)學童相較於EAT(-)的學童有較明顯的運動動機去進行運動行為。根據結果顯示國小中高年級學生除了有不正確的體型意識外,經由ChEAT-26測驗篩選後,發現病態飲食行為高危險群在國小中高年級學童之盛行狀況實不容忽視。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the body image, and the tendency of eating disorders among 9-12 years old elementary students. In addition, the differences in eating behaviors and nutrient intakes were also compared in elementary school students with EAT(+) and EAT(-). An anonymous questionnaire which contained the questions of demographics, body image (perceived body weight, desired body weight and body satisfaction), Teasing Scale, Pubertal Development Scale, Children’s Eating Attitudes Test and 24hrs dietary recall was used for data collections. Results included 1.the incongruity was found among elementary school students’ actual body weight, self-perceived body weight and desired body weight, both in boys and girls.2.there were 26.2% of boys and 25.0% of girls had intentional weight loss experiences. 3.there were 32.9% of boys and 28.9% of girls had experiences being teased by weight/shape related issues.4.the mean score of ChEAT-26 was 9.80±7.70 and 11.4% of all 9-12 years old elementary students had score above the cutoff point(EAT-26≧20,EAT(+)). Logistic regression analysis demonstrated the “actual body weight categories”, “weight / shape-related teasing”, “perceived of actual body weight goal”, “desired to lose weight”, “perceived body weight categories with significant others’ influence” and “weight lose intention” were independently related to the tendency of eating disorders for boys and girls. 5.boys and girls with EAT(+) more often practice exercises for losing weight.6.In girls, the frequency of lunch and dinner were more often to leave out and this phenomenon did not find in boys.7. In the reason of exercise, the greater part of boys and girls with EAT(+) because of health and they had more clear and definite reason than EAT(-). Conclusion: disturbances in body image did exist in the 9-12 years old elementary students of this study group. Also, subjects with tendency of eating disorders in vogue deserve to be mentioned.


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