  • 學位論文


Visual protecting ingredient development and verification: To Investigate the effect of Sodium Danshensu on improving visual function in the mouse retinal bright light photodamage model.

指導教授 : 陳伯易 陳佳琪


丹蔘( Salvia miltiorrhiza )為傳統中醫中具有活血化瘀、養血安神特性的藥材,過去常被用來作為心血管用藥。在先前的研究中發現,其內涵的水溶性活性成分衍生物丹參素鈉 (Salvianic acid A Sodium, SAS或Sodium Danshensu) 除了對於心血管方面具有保護作外,也同時具有保護腦部神經、改善認知功能的效果,而其針對視覺功能改善與視網膜結構完整性在目前尚未有研究提及。本研究使用丹參素鈉 (SAS) 進行強光誘導小鼠視網膜退化模型的視覺功能與視網膜結構的預防性探討。實驗小鼠被分為 (1) 空白對照組 (Blank control) ;(2) 強光損傷組 (Bright light + Vehicle組);(3) 強光損傷並口服丹蔘素鈉100 mg/kg組 ( Bright light + SAS組),實驗方法進行視覺敏銳度分析 (Visual Acuity, VA) 、視覺對比敏感功能分析 (Visual Contrast Sensitivity Function, VCSF)、感光細胞外核層顆粒數分析 (ONL nuclei)、感光細胞外內節分析 (OS/IS thickness) 等,由藥效廓清 (Wash-out) 實驗設計探討於強光損傷後口服丹蔘素鈉對於視覺功能 (VA與VCSF) 的作用效益;並透過多巴胺D1受體拮抗劑 (Dopamine D1 receptor antagonist) 探討其可能的作用途徑。研究結果顯示,在視覺功能方面小鼠預防性口服丹蔘素鈉100 mg/kg 一日兩次可以延緩視覺敏銳度 (VA) 退化,保留中低空間頻率的視覺對比敏感功能 (VCSF);然而在組織結構方面,預防性口服丹蔘素鈉 100 mg/kg一日兩次對於感光細胞外核層的顆粒數 (ONL nuclei) 與感光細胞外內節厚度 (OS/IS thickness) 並沒有保護的效果。實驗成果指出丹蔘素鈉對於視覺功能的作用效益在生物體 (in vivo) 與視網膜組織結構的完整性沒有太多關係,但發現其對視覺功能的作用可能與腦源性多巴胺受體 (Dopamine receptor) 作用有關。於視網膜強光損傷退化模式下,此研究結果可確認丹蔘素鈉在視覺功能的保護效果與視覺對比敏感功能 (VCSF) 改善有關,並提供丹蔘素作為護眼保健素材開發的選擇與參考。


Salvia miltiorrhiza is a traditional Chinese medicine that has the properties of promoting blood circulation, nourishing the blood and calming. It was used to treat cardiovascular disease in the past. In the previous studies, its pharmacological derivatives of water-soluble active ingredient Salvianic acid A Sodium (SAS) had been found the effect on protecting the cardiovascular, nerve system and improving cognitive functions. However, the effect of SAS in protecting the visual function or retina structure has not been verified. In this study, we used SAS to verify the protective effect of visual function and retinal structure in bright light induced retinal degeneration in a mouse model. Experimental mice were randomly assigned to (1) Blank control group; (2) Bright light induced retinal degeneration with Vehicle group (Bright light + Vehicle group); (3) Bright light induced retinal degeneration and oral administration SAS 100 mg/kg group (Bright light + SAS Group). Visual Acuity (VA), Visual Contrast Sensitivity Function (VCSF), nuclei of outer nucleus layer and thickness of outer segment/inner segment layer were measured. The results showed that ICR mice prophylactic treatment of SAS 100 mg/kg twice a day may defer the VA decline and preserve the VCSF, but limited protection on retinal structures. In addition, SAS couldn’t improve the visual function after the bright light induced retinal degeneration. Furthermore we found the dopamine D1 receptor antagonist SCH23390 could inhibit the protection of SAS. The visual function protecting effect of SAS may associated with dopaminergic receptor and could be a potential visual health care supplement in the future.


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