  • 學位論文


Effect of casein hydrolysate CEI-12 on blood pressure

指導教授 : 王進崑 陳肅霖


牛奶為民眾日常生活的重要食物之一,牛奶中的酪蛋白水解物已經被發現具有調降血壓的功效。本研究之目的是要了解,酪蛋白水解物中含有12個胺基酸的CEI-12胜肽對人體血壓之調降作用為何,並對其作用機制進行探討。共有48位個案完成本試驗,這些個案為高血壓或血壓正常但偏高,且不服用降血壓藥。他們被隨機分為兩組,實驗組每天服用含有228mg的CEI-12胜肽錠劑,控制組則服用安慰劑。整個實驗為期兩個月,前兩週為穩定期,兩組個案皆服用安慰劑,之後連續四週為實驗期,實驗組服用含CEI-12胜肽錠劑,而控制組則服用安慰劑,試驗結束後之兩週為觀察期,停止服用胜肽或安慰劑。受測者在試驗期前後均給予血壓、身體組成及血脂肪的評估。另外,為探討血壓調控之機制,我們亦測定了受試者血液中血管收縮素Ι、血管收縮素Ⅱ 和醛固酮的濃度。由試驗結果可知,受試者在連續服用含CEI-12胜肽錠劑四週後,血壓値、血管收縮素Ⅱ及醛固酮之濃度,皆有顯著的降低。


Milk is one of the important food in our life. Antihypertensive effect have been found from enzymatic hydrolysates of bovine caseins. This study was conducted to determine whether the casein hydrolysate CEI-12 has the effect on blood pressure down regulation in hypertensive subjects and also to discuss the possible mechanism. A total of 48 cases successfully completed the intervention study. All of them have mild hypertension or high normal blood pressure. All subjects did not take antihypertensive medication and were randomly assigned to experimental group and control group. The experimental group ingested casein hydrolysate tablets containing 227.88 mg CEI-12 daily. The control group ingested the same amount of placebo tablets. The CEI-12 or placebo tablets were administered for 4 weeks after 2 weeks of run-in period. 2 weeks after the end of administration were follow-up period. During the follow-up period, neither tablet was given to either group. Blood pressure (BP), serium lipid, body composition were measured before and after experimental period. To realize the possible mechanism, levels of angiotensin Ι, angiotensinⅡ and aldosterone were measured. Result clearly showed that BP, angiotensinⅡ, aldosterone were significantly decreased after 4 weeks treatment in the experimental group.


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