  • 學位論文


The factors of prevention mosquito borne diseases among migrant workers in Taiwan: Application of the Health Belief Model

指導教授 : 楊浩然


研究背景:台灣近年來外籍移工大幅成長,在台移工以東南亞國籍為主,其中菲律賓籍佔22%。東南亞各國長久以來皆為病媒蚊傳染病疫區,亦是當今境外移入傳染病最多的來源區域。病媒蚊傳染病防治仰賴自我防護與及早就醫,藉由了解外籍移工對於病媒蚊傳染病認知態度與預防行為,以利於擬定具成效的防治策略。 研究目的:使用健康信念模式探討在台菲律賓籍移工採取預防行為之影響因素,並了解衛生教育之介入成效。 研究方法:本研究以健康信念模式為理論架構,研究對象以台中某2家教堂的菲律賓籍移工為主,利用結構式問卷訪談於2018年5月至9月進行收案調查。利用路徑分析檢視知識、健康信念等變項影響採取預防行為效果,並使用配對t檢定探討知識、健康信念、預防行為等量表之前後測是否有顯著差異。 研究結果:本研究總計納入291位菲律賓籍移工進行分析,發現透過衛生教育之介入,對菲籍移工之知識、行動利益、行動障礙及預防行為皆有正向影響,且知識、自覺嚴重性對採取預防行為皆具正向顯著影響,而行動障礙對採取預防行為則有負向影響。 結論:依據研究結果未來應可朝向增進外籍移工疾病認知、強調疾病嚴重程度及深入了解可能阻礙以排除可能障礙等三方面,擬定相關策略應用,另因衛教介入措施確有其成效,未來可進行擴大預防介入計畫,如於移工聚集地點,定期辦理預防講座。本研究對象為菲律賓籍移工,故無法全面性推論其他國籍移工,此為本研究限制,未來相關研究可考量增加介入頻率,長期追蹤並以較客觀資料作為衛生教育成效驗證。


Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge, health beliefs, preventive behaviors and related factors about mosquito borne diseases of Philippine foreign workers and explore the effect of health education intervention. Methods: This study used the health belief model as the theoretical framework. The participant are mainly based on Filipino workers from two churches in Taichung. The mosquito borne diseases questionnaire interview was used to conduct the investigation from May to September 2018. Use path analysis to examine the impact of knowledge and health beliefs on preventive behavior and use paired t-test to explore the effect of health education intervention. Results: A total of 291 foreign workers were included in the study, Through the intervention of health education, the positive impact on the knowledge, perceived seriousness, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, and preventive behavior.knowledge, perceived seriousness were positively associated with preventive practices of mosquito borne diseases. perceived barrier were negatively associated with preventive practices of mosquito borne diseases. Conclusions: It is suggested that strengthen the knowledge, enhance the perceived benefits and reducing their perceived barriers. Due to the effectiveness of the intervention of this study, it is possible to expand the prevention and intervention plan in the future. This research object was Philippines migrant worker, so it is impossible to infer to other nationality migration. It’s the study limit. In the future, relevant research can consider increasing the frequency of intervention, long-term tracking as an assessment of the effectiveness of health education.


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