  • 學位論文


In Vitro investigation of the various self-ligating brackets on canine retraction

指導教授 : 高嘉澤


Light force 理論引導矯正器的設計,自鎖式矯正器發展有別於傳統矯正器,多元式的設計與摩擦力關係仍在研究中。由於自鎖式矯正器在牙齒整平研究上有結果,但缺犬齒移動的資料,因此本研究目的為探討自鎖式矯正器在犬齒後移時之變化。本實驗因應這些問題,利用typodont 採用不同矯正器 (包含Axis、SPEED、CARRIER MBT、DAMON MX3、CLIPPY、 In ovation R) 分別黏於上顎左側第一大臼齒到右側第一大臼齒中,後以 0.017*0.025 inches 矯正線當working wire;並使用Ni-Ti coil spring 控制其力量為100 gm,牽引位置由第一大臼齒掛到犬齒後;置於恆溫43度水浴槽,每一分鐘後取出並即放入冷水一分鐘,最後用游標尺測量距離變化。記錄十次每分變化。最後紀錄統計每分鐘變化量。以Nonparametric test 測量七種矯正器之間的相關性,結果得到AXIS CARRIER Mini CLIPPY ,In Ovation R ,MBT 有顯著差異 p<0.01。MBT和CARRIER Mini CLIPPY,IN Ovation,有顯著差異,p<0.05;結論1 本實驗觀察移動變化時在中段可看到移動量增大,與牙齒移動理論傾斜、卡住、扶正三程序相符合;其中移動量增大為矯正線卡在矯正器後掙脫後,所顯現大的移動量。2 為閉鎖式矯正器有較多的空隙,有利於矯正線卡住矯正器時有較多的緩衝空間,較容易掙脫,在而得到產生較大位移。3 閉鎖式若為Active時摩擦力增大移動量會減少,但控制能力較佳。因此使用閉鎖式矯正器首先須了解矯正過程中對牙齒要作用到什麼位置,並熟悉wire 放入slot時bracket 對wire是active type 或passive type;如此才能適時正確的移動牙齒。


Introduction Self-ligation brackets claims will reduce friction. The Aim of this study was to determine the friction between conventional and SLB systems during Canine retraction .The standard models were standarded with clear retainer .The friction was evaluated in full mouse typodont model.Methods :Brackets with .022 slots were used with 0.017*0.025 inches stainless steel wires .The typodont models were set up with 7 types of bracket (Axis , Carrier, Mini clippy ,Damon Mx3 , In ovation R , MBT). We sinter the model in the 43℃water bath., The retraction force was 100g and tired from canine to 1st molar .The means of movement distance were compared used Nonparametric statistic. Result We found significant difference between Axis and MBT Clippy In Ovation R.(P<0.01). And Axis brackets generated significantly lower friction than the other brackets Conclusion These finding suggest that the use of self –ligating bracket should notice work wire is in active or passive .The active type of SPEED demonstrate greater resistance than conventional bracket.


Self-ligating bracket Typodont PSLB ASLB


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