  • 學位論文


The effects of compassion fatigue on occupational leaving intentions and care quality: The mediator of professional commitment

指導教授 : 初麗娟


同情疲勞起因於對患者的過度照護投入,所產生的同情壓力無法有效調適所致。同情疲勞不但對護理人員本身產生嚴重負面衝擊,對於醫療院所亦有可能受到影響。本研究之目的在探討同情疲勞對離職業傾向、照護品質之影響,以專業承諾中介效果進行實證研究。 本研究採橫斷面結構式問卷進行調查,以中台灣醫療院所之護理人員為對象發放問卷。問卷內容包括「同情疲勞」、「專業承諾」、「離職業傾向」、「照護品質」四個面向及人口統計變項。共發放250份問卷,回收有效問卷數為246份,有效問卷回收率為98%。相關分析顯示,主要變項間是有顯著相關。迴歸分析顯示同情疲勞有顯著正向預測離職業傾向、負向預測照護品質。當專業承諾加入模型後,專業承諾有顯著負向預測離職業傾向、正向預測照護品質。此時,同情疲勞仍有顯著正向預測離職業傾向、負向預測照護品質,惟預測係數有顯著降低,顯示專業承諾部份中介同情疲勞與離職業傾向、照護品質之關係。當護理人員的同情疲勞程度愈高時,他們會有較低的專業承諾,進而提高離職業傾向與降低對病患的照護品質。


Compassion fatigue arises from the suffering that results from excessively caring for patients, and from the lingering pressure produced by being unable to resolve such pain. Compassion fatigue not only has a serious negative impact on the nursing staff, for medical institutions may also be affected. The aim of this study was to examine the mediating effects of professional commitment underlying the relationship between compassion fatigue and both occupational leaving intentions and care quality. This study used a cross-sectional survey research design and convenience sampling to collect data. Structured questionnaire were completed by 246 nurses employed by hospitals in Central Taiwan. To test the reliability of the data, Cronbach’s alpha was employed. Pearson’s correlation was used to test the relationships among the various variables. Hypotheses were tested through the use of hierarchical multiple regression. The results showed that compassion fatigue was positively associated with occupational leaving intentions. Moreover, compassion fatigue was negatively associated with care quality. Finally, it was found that professional commitment partially mediated the effects of compassion fatigue on both occupational leaving intentions and care quality. When nurses are high compassion fatigue, they will have lower professional commitment, which in turn increases the occupational leaving intentions and reduces the quality of care for patients.


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