  • 學位論文


The prevalence of drug abuse in particular population of Taiwan

指導教授 : 林克亮


藥物濫用的危害現今是一重大的全球性問題,在國內的情況也日益嚴重。為探討台灣濫用藥物在特定族群的盛行率,一系列的檢體收集、質譜檢驗技術的研發及統計數據的分析,從2002年至2012年十一年間,針對台灣特定族群常見的濫用藥物包括:安非他命(Ampheta- mine, AP)類藥物、鴉片(Opium)類藥物、苯二氮平(Benzodiazepines, BZD)類、愷他命(Ketamine)、搖頭丸(Ecstasy)類藥物、替代療法的美沙冬(Methadone)和其代謝物六種主要檢出品項探討其流行趨勢進行探討。根據食品藥物管理局2002-2012年度委託研究計劃調查結果,安非他命與甲基安非他命之檢出率,從2002年至2006年的上升到近幾年有些微下降的趨勢,但其檢出率始終保持在總檢出率的30 %以上;在搖頭丸類藥物調查結果中,除了2003年的檢出率16.5 %外,其於皆在總檢出率10%以下;根據2002-2012年的調查結果,苯二氮平類藥物檢出率普遍偏高,大部分落於13 %到25 %之間;而愷他命類檢出趨勢非常值得注意,自2005年開始便有逐年上升的現象,直至2012年明顯高於歷年檢出率,於總檢出率中排行第一;鴉片類藥物自2002年到2009年維持總檢出率37%以上持高檢出率,直至2010-2012年檢出率才持續下降;最後,美沙冬為用來替代鴉片類藥物成癮的替代療法,由於2005年開始推動「替代療法計畫」,故2005年到2012年美沙冬使用者大部分明顯高於2002-2004年。本研究主要探討台灣特定族群常見濫用藥物盛行率統計分析,總涵蓋台灣二十個縣市檢體共十一年系列分析,期盼對現有的社會問題有所幫助,因數據相當龐大,相關的分析統計會在其他文獻呈現。


藥物濫用 質譜儀


In recent, hazards of drug abuse are important issues in the world, and it is also getting worse in Taiwan. To investigate the prevalence of drug abuse in particular population of Taiwan, a series of samples were collected from 2002 to 2012 and were analyzed by mass spectrometry analysis for further epidemiological analysis. In this investigation, we focused on 6 commonly abused drugs and their metabolites which were Amphetamine (AP), Opium, Benzodiazepines (BZD), Ketamine, Ecstasy, and Methadone. According to annual reports of Taiwan Food and Drug Administration in the period of 2002 to 2012, it showed that the detection rate of AP and methamphetamine were around 30% in this period with a trend that increased from 2002 to 2006 and slightly decreased in more recent years. The detection rate of Ecstasy was less than 10% in each year except for 16.5% in 2003. BZD had a detection rate ranging from 13% to 25% in this period. The detection rate of Ketamine in trend should be particularly noteworthy. The detection rate of Ketamine had increased since 2005 and Ketamine became the most frequently detected drugs in 2012. Opium was found a high detection rates was over 37% from 2002 to 2009, but its detection rate decreased after 2009. Methadone was an alternative therapy for drug addiction of Opioids in Taiwan from 2005 which caused its detection rate obtained from the users of Methadone was significantly higher in the period of 2005-2012 than 2002-2004. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of commonly abused drugs in Taiwan and to expect the data that can contribute to solve the current social problems. This study presented the results of an 11-year research project containing the data of huge clinical samples collected from 20 counties over Taiwan area. Due to the large amount of data, the results of the culpability analyses for various abused drugs have been described elsewhere.


drug abuse mass spectrometry


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