  • 學位論文


Serological study on the cross-reaction between human parvovirus B19 and other viruses

指導教授 : 徐再靜


人類微小病毒B19V (Human parvovirus B19,B19V),是一種小型無套膜病毒。微小病毒可使家中貓狗等寵動產生血液方面的疾病,但只有B19V可感染人類。此種病毒會在分裂旺盛的細胞中增殖,像是紅血球先驅細胞,存在於人體的骨髓、胎兒肝臟或是臍帶及周邊血液。B19V是一種全球性病原體,據統計在1至5歲的兒童人群中,有2-15%的人存在針對該病原體的IgG抗體;6至19歲的兒童為15-60%,成人為30-60%。B19V是DNA病毒,具有30%的母嬰傳播風險,從許多文獻中發現可能會對於懷孕婦女的後續影響。而TORCH是涵蓋這些感染(弓形蟲病,其他(梅毒),風疹,巨細胞病毒,單純皰疹病毒),另外還有其他重要病原體包括人免疫缺陷病毒,水痘帶狀皰疹病毒,梅毒螺旋體,ZIKV病毒和微小病毒B19V。因此本論文分析市售七種病毒檢驗試劑陽性與陰性標準品與四種B19V重組蛋白(B19-VP1、B19-VP2、B19-NS1、B19-VP1u)的交叉反應。研究發現有四種病毒(Rubella(+),CMV(+),HSVII(+),EBNA1(+)IgG抗體能與B19-VP1與VP1u抗原結合與呈色反應,但不會與B19-VP2與NS1抗原結合,另外其他病毒抗體VCA(+),Dengue virus(+)則完全不與4種B19V重組病毒抗原結合與反應,綜合以上結果,可做為日後在執行懷孕婦女的檢驗篩檢時分析數據之參考。


Human parvovirus B19V (B19V) is a small non-enveloped virus. Parvovirus can cause blood diseases in cats and dogs at home, but only B19V can infect humans. B19V will multiply in the vigorously dividing cells, such as red blood cell precursor cells in the human bone marrow, fetal liver. B19V is a global pathogen. According to statistics, 2-15% of children aged 1 to 5 have IgG antibodies against the pathogen; children aged 6 to 19 are 15-60% and adults are 30- 60%. B19V is a DNA virus with a 30% risk of mother-to-child transmission. It may have subsequent effects on pregnant women. TORCH covers these infections (toxoplasmosis, other (syphilis), rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus), in addition to other important pathogens including human immunodeficiency virus, varicella-zoster virus, treponema pallidum, ZIKV virus, and parvovirus B19V. Therefore, this study analyzes the cross-reactions between the standards of seven commercially available virus reagents and four B19V recombinant proteins (B19-VP1, B19-VP2, B19-NS1, B19-VP1u), and the study found that there are 4 viruses (Rubella(+), CMV(+), HSVII(+), EBNA1(+) IgG antibodies can bind to B19-VP1 and VP1u antigens but did not bind to B19-VP2 and NS1. The other two types of antibodies VCA Virus (+) and Dengue virus(+) are completely incompatible with the four recombinant B19 virus antigens. Altogether, the results can be used as a reference for analyzing data when performing inspections and screenings for pregnant women in the future.


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