  • 學位論文


Effect of the releted to orthostatic defect rate, eating habits, the nutritional knowledge in 5th grader’s student in Taichung city

指導教授 : 徐成金


本研究目的在瞭解影響國小學童生長體位的影響因子,瞭解其不良率的成因,未來在學校健康促進計畫中能加以修正,以期改善臺中市學童體位不良率。 研究使用之調查工具為「臺中市國小五年級學童體位不良率相關因素研究施測問卷」。研究採無記名方式,問卷資料整理後,利用SPSS 12.0 for windows進行分析,p<0.05表示有統計意義。結果顯示,整體學童體位過輕為14.6%(n=103)、體位正常為63.3%(n=447),過重及肥胖盛行率22%(n=156),其中男童過重及肥胖比率為28.2%、女童過輕體位比率佔16.6%最值得注意。學童體位與其自覺體位、喜歡自已體位程度、過去半年是否有減肥經驗成正相關(p<0.01)。學童體型與其父母親體型有正相關(p<0.05)。不吃全穀類的學童,其BMI、體重最大、平均身高最矮,每週吃全穀類4-7次的學童,平均身高最高;不吃鈣豐富食物的學童,其平均BMI最大、平均身高最矮,每週吃7次以上鈣豐富食物的學童,平均BMI最小,身高最高、體重最輕。每天花不到30分鐘運動的學童會比每天運動1小時以上的學童,BMI數值來得大(p<0.05),男童身體活動量比女童來得大(p<0.01);學童睡眠時間與其體重及BMI成反比(p<0.05),亦即學童睡的越少,體重越重、BMI越大。假日3c產品使用時間越多,學童體位越重(p<0.05)。沒有手足的學童其平均BMI較大、平均體重越重(p<0.05);父母親學歷為大學、專科以上的學童其平均BMI較大(p<0.01);父親職業越好,學童平均BMI越大(p<0.05)。本研究結果有助於了解臺中市五年級學童的體型及影響學童體位的因素,可提供學校擬定促進健康宣導政策的依據,以有效改善學童健康習慣。


The study investigated the factors associated with body anthropometry defect rate in Taichung city school children. The anonymous questionnaire was used. The results showed that the percentage of underweight BMI among students was 14.6% (n=103), normal BMI was 63.3% (n=447), overweight and obesity was 22.0% (n=156), in which overweight and obesity rate of boys and girls were 28.2% and 16.6%. Children’s anthropometry is significant positive correlation with the self-aware body posture, the satisfication of body posture, and the experience of diet control. The anthropometry of parents was significant positively correlated with the children (p<0.05). Children without intake of whole grain and calcium-rich food had higher level BMI. However, children with 4-7 times intake whole grain per week had lower level BMI. Children with 30-minute exercise per day had higher BMI levels than children with one hour exercise per day. Sleep time is negative correlated with BMI level (p<0.05). Spending much time using 3c products on holiday led to higher body weight. Children without brother had higher body weight. Children whose parents had higher education degree and better economic condition had higher BMI levels. This study provided data to explain and support the factors associated with healthy status of school children.


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