  • 學位論文


The Influence of Perceived Unfair on Workplace Well-being and Turnover Intentions: Colleagues Support as Moderating Variable

指導教授 : 初麗娟


研究目的: 時代演變至今,我們正處於「顧客至上」的世代,但有滿意的員工才會有提供令病患及家屬滿意的服務,醫院在提升服務品質之前,必須要將員工視為內部顧客,令員工有高度的工作滿足,以提升外部服務品質。因此本研究將探討知覺不公平對職場幸福感及離職傾向的影響,並進一步探討同事支持是否能有效調節知覺不公平所造成之負面影響。 研究方法: 首先,透過蒐集相關理論與文獻,作為研究架構及問卷設計之依據,問卷採橫斷面設計,以中部某醫學中心全體員工進行便利取樣(Convenience Sampling),採匿名方式填答問卷,取得165份的有效問卷(有效回收率82.5%),以SPSS 18.0統計軟體加以分析,最後,根據研究結果提出具體建議。 研究結果: 迴歸分析顯示知覺不公平對職場幸福感有顯著的負向關聯(β= -.46,p < .01),表示知覺不公平程度愈高,則職場幸福感愈低。而知覺不公平對離職傾向有顯著的正向關聯(β= .49,p<.01),表示知覺不公平的程度愈高,其離職傾向愈高。而同事支持能有效調節知覺不公平與離職傾向之正向關係(β= -.14,p < .05)。相較同事支持度低者,同事支持度愈高者其知覺不公平與離職傾向之正向關係會被弱化。 結論: 管理者應試著讓員工感受到組織的公平,以提昇其職場幸福感、降低其離職傾向。此外,建立一個良好的支持環境,營造良好的支持文化,提供持續性支持,能有效緩解員工面對職場不公平所帶來的負面衝擊。


Purpose: In an era that preaches “the customer is always right,” employee satisfaction must be improved to ensure that employees provide patients and their family with high-quality services. Before elevating service quality, hospitals must elevate employee satisfaction first (i.e., hospitals must treat their employees as if they are their customers). By elevating employee satisfaction, employees will be willing to improve their service quality. This study investigated the effect of perceived unfair on employees’ turnover intention and sense of workplace well-being, and whether colleagues support can moderate these relationships. Method: First, this study examined related theories and literature and used them as the basis to form the research framework and design the questionnaire. The questionnaire featured a cross-sectional design, and a convenience sampling method was adopted to select the study participants from a pool of employees working at a medical center in central Taiwan. The questionnaire was answered anonymously, and 165 valid questionnaires were collected, posting a valid response rate of 82.5%. Subsequently, statistical software SPSS 18.0 was used to analyze the questionnaire results, on the basis of which recommendations were offered. Result: This study conducted a regression analysis, which showed that perceived unfair had a significant and negative effect on sense of workplace well-being (β = -.46, p < .01). In other words, the higher the perceived unfair was, the lower the sense of workplace well-being became. Perceived unfair had a significant and positive effect on turnover intention (β = .49, p <.01), indicating that the higher the perceived unfair was, the higher the turnover intention became. Colleagues support effectively moderated the effect of perceived unfair on turnover intention (β = -.14, p < .05), where higher colleagues support lowered employees’ turnover intention when they perceived workplace unfair. Conclusion: Managers should ensure that employees perceive workplace equality to increase the employees’ sense of workplace well-being and decrease their turnover intention. In addition, they should establish a favorable support environment, build a positive support culture, and provide continuous support to diminish the negative effects of employees’ perceived workplace unfair on turnover intention.


