  • 學位論文


Whether emotional abrupt onset transfer into visual short-term memory

指導教授 : 何明洲


摘要 背景:視覺注意力常常會被新奇的、動的、亮的、突然發生的、或是特別明顯的刺激所吸引過去,稱之為注意力攫取(attentional capture)。過去研究運用 irrelevant singleton paradigm 發現突現刺激會透過由下而上的歷程自動抓取我們的注意力,且比起非突現刺激被辨識出來的正確率較高。另有研究發現即使視覺搜尋的目標刺激在特徵層次上是singleton, irrelevant emotional singleton 仍然可以引導參與者注意力造成短暫分心,讓我們確信情緒是對注意力有引導效果的。目的:運用irrelevant singleton paradigm不單可以驗證視覺刺激由下而上的注意力歷程,還且可以進一步將其中的刺激換成帶有情緒性質的中文字,以探討突現的、帶有情緒的,甚至突現且同時帶有情緒的中文字如何影響我們的注意力及視覺短期記憶。方法:每位參與者必須先完成視覺搜尋作業,目標項為開口可能朝左或朝右的 C ,干擾項為中文雙字詞。在此所操弄之獨變項有 3 個,突現刺激出現與否(突現或非突現);額外位置中文雙字詞的情緒性質(負性、中性或正性);固定位置中文雙字詞的情緒性質(負性、中性或正性)。依變項為反應時間。有一定機率會接連進行中文雙字詞的再認作業,再認作業操弄之獨變項有 4 個,包括:突現刺激出現與否(突現或非突現);目標中文雙字詞出現的位置(額外或固定);額外位置中文雙字詞的情緒性質(負性、中性或正性);固定位置中文雙字詞的情緒性質(負性、中性或正性)。依變項為正確率。結論:1. 突現刺激比非突現刺激抓取更多注意力。2. 當固定位置中文雙字詞都帶有中性情緒的情況下,突現刺激比非突現刺激抓取更多注意力。3. 突現刺激比非突現刺激進入視覺短期記憶的程度高。4. 當固定位置中文雙字詞的情緒性質為中性的情況下,額外位置中文雙字詞的情緒性質為負性比起為中性時,更易進入視覺短期記憶。5. 視覺搜尋作業呈現時間太長會使參與者選擇性留意額外位置中文雙字詞。


Abstract Background:Attentional capture refers to visual attention being attracted by something new, moved, bright, happening without expectation or pop-out. Previous studies using irrelevant singleton paradigm showed that abrupt onset can automatically capture our attention and transfer this onset into visual short term memory through bottom-up process. Other studies found that even the target of visual search task is a singleton, irrelevant emotional distractor could still orient subject’s attention and cause immediate distraction. These conclusions make us believe that emotional stimulus can direct attention. Objective:We not only tried to prove that visual stimulus is processed in bottom-up way with irrelevant singleton paradigm, but also changed the stimulus into emotional Chinese words in order to investigate how abrupt onset, emotional or emotional abrupt onset Chinese words influence our attention and visual short term memory. Methods:Participants had to finish visual search task at first. The target was a right-opened or left-opened English character - C. The distracters were two-character Chinese words. We manipulated three independent variables in visual search task, including onset present or absent;emotional valence of Chinese words at extra location (negative, neutral or positive);emotional valence of Chinese words at other location. The dependent variable is reaction time. A Chinese word recognition task followed visual search task in specified chance. The recognition task had four independent variables, including onset present or absent;target word location(extra or other);emotional valence of Chinese words at extra location (negative, neutral or positive);emotional valence of Chinese words at other location. The dependent variable is accuracy rate. Conclusion:1. Abrupt onset captured more attention than non-onset one. 2. When Chinese words at other location were neutral, abrupt onset captured more attention than non-onset one. 3. Abrupt onset is more easier transferred into visual short term memory than non-onset one. 4. When Chinese words at other location were neutral, negative Chinese words at extra location were easier transferred into visual short term memory than neutral one. 5. If visual search task duration time was too long could make participants selectively focus on extra location.


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