  • 學位論文


Are Outcome of Prematurity whose Birth Weight Small than 1500 gm Different After Care by Different Caregivers--1 Year Fellow up

指導教授 : 陳家玉


目的: 本研究是想比較在早產兒的照顧上,不同照顧族群照顧之下, 這些被照顧的早產兒預後是否有所不同! 方法: 本研究是在中山醫學大學附設醫院新生兒加護病房中進行, 收案的條件是從2005年到2009年住進該單位體重小於1500公克的232個早產兒。 在排除不適合的研究對象後,共有135個個案被納入這次的研究。 我們將記錄所有個案的出生週數、 出生體重、性別、第一分鐘與第五分鐘的 Apgar 分數、住院天數、是否有發生過肺支氣管發育不良、敗血症、需要開刀的早產兒視網膜病變, 將個案分成照顧者為母親與非母親組,另外再將母親照顧者依學歷分為(含)高中以下與(含)大學以上組,然後用下述的評估工具來看不同組的差異:矯正年齡6個月與12個月的智力發展指數(MDI)與動作發展指數(PDI) 、 矯正年齡6個月與12個月的體重與身高。 結果: 一共有135個早產兒被納入該研究。 該研究的兩個分組,在照顧者為母親與非母親這分組中,不管是身高、 體重、六個月大與12個月大的 MDI或PDI都沒有統計上的意義。 但是在照顧者同是母親但是不同的學歷這分組中,我們發現到六個月大的MDI(79.92 ± 15.25 vs 70.79 ± 16.92, p=0.013)與12個月大PDI (86.68 ± 12.72 vs 79.70 ± 17.34, p=0.044)在母親學歷為大專以上這組就比母親學歷為高中以下這組分數高,在統計上是有明顯的意義(p value <0.05) 。 結論: 早產兒六個月大的MDI與12個月大PDI,學歷較高的母親照顧會比學歷較低的母親分數會比較好!


Objective: The aim of this retrospective research is to study is the outcome of premature different after care by different caregivers in a medical center during 1 year f/u. Methods: From 2005 to 2009, All birth weight small than 1500 gm live premature babies care in our neonatal intensive care unit of CSMUH would include into this research. The birth history included gestation age, birth body weight, apgar score, hospitalized days, incidence of ROP-OP, incidence of Sepsis, and incidence of chronic lung disease will be recorded. We will separate our patients to mother’s group with other’s group (grandM, grandF, baby-care) and different educational group. Follow-up evaluations, Mental Development Index,MDI)and(Psychomotor Development Index,PDI)of Bayley Scales of Infant Development 2nd, were performed at 6 and 12 months of age by using corrected age (CA) of prematurity. Otherwise, we will record their body weight (BW) and body high( BH) at 6 and 12 m/o of CA. Results: Finally, 135 cases were enrolled into this study. There were no statistically significant differences in BW, high, MDI, and PDI at 6 m/o and 12 m/o between mother’s and non-mother’s group. But premature babies cared by mother’s educational level is college or higher, high MDI at 6 m/o (79.92 ± 15.25 vs 70.79 ± 16.92, p=0.013) and PDI at 12 m/o (86.68 ± 12.72 vs 79.70 ± 17.34, p=0.044) was noted compared with mother’s educational level is high school or lower. Conculsion: In the premature babies’ group, they have better performance in mental and psychomotor cared by higher educational mothers.


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