  • 學位論文


Factors of antibiotic use in admitted patient with moderate community acquired pneumonia

指導教授 : 周明智


一、背景及目的: 肺炎(pneumonia)是國人十大死亡原因之第六位,其中社區性肺炎,依據美國感染學會The Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA)所推薦之肺炎病人結果研究小組(Patient Outcomes Research Team 簡稱PORT) 之病人預測指導準則(guideline),將病人依其對致死率(mortality)之高低,由低到高將病人分為一到五級,分數(PORT score)評估之因素包含年齡,潛在疾病(coexisting disease)理學檢查(physical examination)與實驗室數據,其中第三級(PORT Scoring 71-90),美國感染學會(IDSA)建議可住院也可門診治療。隨者台灣人口逐漸老化,老年人增加快速,65歲以上佔總人口數9.1%,在老年人社區性肺炎分數(PORT score)評估準則(guideline) 中,年齡佔大部份分數;本研究以第三級社區性肺炎為主,排除院內感染、護理之家、安養中心與潛在疾病(coexisting disease)的病人,年齡平均77.5歲。經由收集住院患者相關資料分析,並對中度社區性肺炎住院病人將其抗生素使用天數與相關因素之探討,所得結果似可做為無潛在疾病之老年中度社區性肺炎治療與住院之參考。 研究對象與方法: 本研究自民國九十四年一月一日起至九十四年十二月三十一日止,收集中部地區某區域教學醫院住院病人其主診斷為肺炎,且PORT Scoring在71-90分。排除院內感染、護理之家、安養中心、呼叫器使用者與合併下列之病人一年內罹患惡性腫瘤(基底細胞癌與鱗狀細胞癌)者除外、肝病病人 (臨床或組織學上診斷為慢性肝病,慢性活動性肝炎,肝硬化)、充血性心衰竭、中風、腦血管意外、暫時性腦缺血、腎臟疾病,與肺部X光沒有浸潤者﹔且均接受抗生素治療之63位患者。回溯分析其入院時實驗室數據,包括C-反應蛋白,白血球計數﹔人口學因素,包括性別,年齡,地域與X光上表現,季節,肺部疾病(Underlying Lung Disease),抗生素使用種類。利用SPSS 12 Version的統計軟體,來分析抗生素使用天數與其他變項之間,用線性迴歸來分析是否相關。 結果: 影響病人抗生素使用天數最大變項為CRP(P=0.01),依序是抗生素用藥(P=0.033),年齡(P=0.034),季節(P=0.035)與肺部疾病(P=0.073)。而與WBC Count較無統計上相關(P=0.596),而其他如X光呈現,地域,性別,則與抗生素使用天數無關。 結論: 本研究以無潛在疾病(coexisting disease)之老年中度社區性肺炎為研究對象,對基層醫療而言,簡單、快速、便宜、準確性高、易得之實驗室資料便是診斷利器;而CRP對肺炎有其專一性,本研究CRP之標準迴歸係數為0.923,意味CRP每增加1mg/dl,抗生素需增加使用0.923天。因此病人年齡大於50歲、無潛在疾病之老年中度社區性肺炎(PORT Scoring 71-90),若病人其CRP值 >8mg/dl則建議患者住院,並儘早接受抗生素治療。由本研究可知選擇使用non Augmentin與Augmentin類抗生素並無統計上差別(P=0.341)。


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Pneumonia is rank #6 of the 10 leading cause of death in Taiwan and community acquired pneumonia is one of them.The Pneumonia Patient Outcome Research Team (PORT),provides a guildline to assist in the evaluation of the need for hospitalization that is endorsed by the Infectious Disease Society Of America(IDSA) .This study determine the important of antibiotic use of the number and days hospitalization for patient with moderate community acquired pneumonia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between January 1,2005 and Decemember 31,2005.Hospitalized patients from central region of Taiwan with moderate community acquired pneumonia (PORT Scoring 71-90 with exception of infection acquired from nursing home and coexisting illness)were gathered with the use of covariance software of the SPSS 12 Versions. Antibiotics usage,days of hospitalization and other variables using linear regression analysis were plotted and the results were determine. Result: The biggest variable factors that determine the antibiotic use and days of stay is a CRP(P=0.01), antibiotics (P=0.033), age(P=0.034), season(P=0.035) and the underlying lung disease(P=0.073)And has no covariance with the WBC Count (P=0.596), X rays studies, region, sex. Conclusion: The standard regression coefficient of the CRP is 0.923, when CRP increases 1 mg/dl , the antibiotics needs increment to use for 0.923 days.Therefore we concluded that if the patient older than 50 years of age and no coexisting illness and when the CRP value is more than 8 mgs/dl early hospitalization and antibiotic treatment is needed as soon as possible.


一、 中文參考資料:
3. 中央健保局中區分局>社區性肺炎治療的臨床指引
5. Yen M-Y, Hu B-S, Chen Y-S, et al. A prospective etiologic study of community-acquired pneumonia in Taiwan. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. Oct 2005;104(10):724-730.
1.Infectious Disease Society Of America(IDSA)
1. Lauderdale T-L, Chang F-Y, Ben R-J, et al. Etiology of community acquired pneumonia among adult patients requiring hospitalization in Taiwan. Respiratory Medicine. Sep 2005;99(9):1079-1086.
