  • 學位論文

社工專業勝任能力養成之探討 --醫學與社會學跨領域訓練

An exploration of professional competences in social work education: Interdisciplinary training between medicine and sociology

指導教授 : 唐宜楨


本研究主要目的在了解社工職前專業教育養成與醫學、社會學之整合成效,與日後就業是否達到學用合一的效果,以及對當前在職場上所需的專業勝任能力進行反思,並理解社會工作專業作為一門職業的認知、意義與專業價值的體現,提供日後作為改善大學社工教育對社工專業養成之成效與品質的參酌依據。 研究資料蒐集則是運用質性研究之深度訪談法,針對三十位中山醫學大學醫學社會暨社會工作學系畢業系友進行訪談。 研究結果發現,曾接受過醫學、社會學以及社會工作專業養成訓練之畢業系友是認可醫學等跨領域結合的專業養成訓練,並認同此種專業養成歷程是有助於畢業後在健康醫療場域工作的業務內容,且跨領域的教育訓練有助於學生反思能力的養成,進而達到學用合一的目標,降低學用落差的情形產生。


Objective This study is to understand the effectiveness of integrated pre-qualifying professional education that includes medicine and sociology in social work education. By doing so, the aim is to highlight social workers’ post-qualifying employment is influenced by such academic training. Methods Data was collected from in-depth interviews with 30 social workers who graduated from Department of Medical Social Work of Chung Shan Medical University. This study was approved by the University Hospital Institutional Review Board (IRB). Findings According to the results of this study, interviewees who received interdisciplinary academic training in medicine, sociology and social work agreed that this training contributed to their professional capabilities being employed in the health practice settings after obtaining their Bachelor degrees. Such kind of training broadened social workers’ knowledge from multiple disciplines and strengthened social workers skills working with other helping professions, especially medical professionals. Meanwhile, theoretical trainings in sociology were valuable to social workers to underline various issues at the micro, mezzo and macro levels. Conclusion Qualifying education with interdisciplinary learning helped social work students developing required competencies in social work practice and achieve the goal of integrating learning and practice, to reduce the learning gap.


