  • 學位論文


Factors Influencing Intention of Novel Influenza Vaccination Uptake in Taiwan

指導教授 : 邱政元


目的:本研究是針對台灣民眾施打新型流感疫苗的調查研究,目的在了解台灣民眾會不會施打新型流感疫苗之意願比率以及探討影響台灣民眾對於新型流感疫苗接種的相關因素。 方法;本研究是以次級資料分析,採橫斷性研究方法,利用 「2013年台灣社會變遷基本調查計畫-第六期第四次問卷-風險社會組」資料,研究對象共計1485人。資料分析時,以會不會施打新型流感疫苗為依變項,取問卷中基本資料包含性別、年齡、居住地、籍貫、宗教信仰、教育程度、婚姻狀況、BMI、平均每月收入、工作狀況、有沒有領身心障礙手冊等共12個項目,對政府信賴程度包含信任中央政府、政府危機處理能力、政府隱瞞資訊,對新型流感的認知包含容易感染流感、認為新型流感嚴重,自我評量包含自認社會階層、自覺身體狀況,生活習慣包含與人接觸、是否自己一人居住、運動次數為自變項。以次數和百分比(N,%)描述疫苗接種狀況、卡方檢定、邏輯斯迴歸分析疫苗接種狀況與其他變項間的關係。 結果:研究結果顯示有78.9%的意願會施打新型流感疫苗,經邏輯斯迴歸分析發現影響施打新型流感疫苗與9項因素呈顯著關係,為男性(odds ratio[OR] =1.482,P=0.002)v.s女性、19-29歲族群(OR=1.587,P=0.024) v.s≧60歲以上、專科與大學教育者(OR=1.356,P=0.023)v.s高中職含以下、全職工作者(OR=1.392,P=0.018)v.s其他、每月平均收入3-5萬元以下(OR=1.527,P=0.008)v.s 3萬元以下、信任中央政府者(OR=1.783,P<0.001) v.s不信任中央政府、無所謂擔不擔心政府隱藏資訊(OR=1,P=0.013)v.s擔心、容易感染新型流感(OR=1.496,P=0.025) v.s不容易、認為感染新型流感疫苗嚴重(OR=2.084,P=<0.001)v.s不嚴重、與人接觸10-49人(OR=1.625,P=0.001)、50人以上(OR=1.691,P=0.006)v.s 0-9人、平均每週運動次數3次以上者(OR=1.511,P=0.005)v.s 0次。 結論:影響新型流感疫苗施打意願因素,以男性、19-29歲族群、專科與大學教育者、全職工作者、每月平均收入3-5萬元以下、信任中央政府者、無所謂擔不擔心政府隱藏資訊、容易感染新型流感、認為感染新型流感疫苗嚴重、與人接觸10-49人及50人以上、平均每週運動次數3次以上者意願較高,可作為政府擬訂新型流感疫苗接種政策之參考依據。


新型流感 流感 疫苗 意願


Objectives: This study aims to (1) determine the intention rate of novel influenza vaccination uptake in Taiwan;and (2) to investigate the factors associated with novel influenza vaccination uptake in Taiwan. The method and material utilized is a cross-sectional secondary data analysis of the “2013 Taiwan Social Change Survey (Round 4,Year6:Risk Society)”, performed by the Academia Sinica, with a nationally representative sample of 1485 adults. Methods: Logistic regression analyses were conducted using the variable “whether the respondent intends to receive novel influenza vaccination” as the dependent variable. Factors include gender, age, place of residence, birth place, religion, marital status, BMI, education, monthly wage, occupation, whether have disability certificate, whether trust in the government, the ability of government handle crisis, interest in whether the government hiding relevant information, convince people contracting novel influenza easily , convince an infection by novel influenza would be severe, living habit include frequency of contact with people , whether live alone, frequency of exercise per week. Results: Of the 1485 respondents ,78.9% had intended to receive novel influenza vaccination. Results from logistic regression analysis identified the following nine factors significantly associated with the uptake of novel influenza vaccination: being male(odds ratio[OR]=1.482,P=0.002) v.s woman, and were among 19-29 age group (OR=1.587,P=0.024)v.s 60 age group,and had a college education(OR=1.356,P=0.023)v.s under senior high school education, and had a full-time job (OR=1.392,P=0.018)v.s other , and had a monthly wage of NTD30,000-50,000 (OR=1.527,P=0.008)v.s under NTD30,000, and had trust in the government (OR=1.783,P<0.001)v.s had not trust in the government , and were not interested in whether the government hiding relevant information(OR=1,P=0.013)v.s interested in, and were convinced people contracting novel influenza easily (OR=1.496,P=0.025)v.s not easliy, and were convinced an infection by novel influenza would be severe(OR=2.084,P=<0.001)v.s not severe, had contact with more than 50 person per day(OR=1.691,P=0.006)v.s contact with 0-9 person per day ,and had exercised 3 times a week (OR=1.511,P=0.005)v.s no exercised. Conclusion: A number of factors were significantly associated with novel influenza vaccination uptake in Taiwan. The findings could serve as a basis in planning prevention and intervention strategies for vaccination against novel influenza in Taiwan.


Novel Influenza Influenza Vaccination Intention


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