  • 學位論文


The Association between Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Gene Polymorphism and Metabolic Syndrome in Renal Transplant Recipients

指導教授 : 張浤榮


研究背景:依據以往之研究,腎臟移植病患中代謝症候羣之盛行率頗高,並導致好發心臟血管疾病。於代謝症候羣之研究中,第一型胞漿素原活化體抑制劑(PAI-1),實乃最具生物活性的物質之一。個體內循環之PAI-1受外在環境與內在基因之調控,腎臟移植病患中代謝症候羣之形成可能受PAI-1基因多型性之影響,本研究即探討於腎臟移植患者中,PAI-1 4G/5G基因多型性與代謝症候羣之相關性。 研究方法與材料:本研究採用橫斷式架構及回溯性方法,以探討腎臟移植病患中,代謝症候羣之盛行率,以及PAI-1 4G/5G基因多型性與代謝症候羣彼此之相關性。本研究搜集自1991年至2007年以來,於中山醫學大學附設醫院腎臟科追蹤治療之腎臟移植病患,包括於臺灣本土接受移植手術,暨境外移植手術之活體腎臟捐贈及屍腎捐贈移植患者。合乎收案標準者共計171人,當中包括男性移植患者86名,及女性移植患者85名。本研究徵集非腎臟移植病患的健康志願民眾,共計142名,其中男性84位,女性58位,作為PAI-1基因型檢測之對照組資料。PAI-1基因多型性檢測,乃依據限制片段長度多態性之聚合酶鏈鎖反應擴增方法(PCR-RFLP)。本研究採用美國心臟學會(AHA/NHLBI),依據NCEP-ATP III標準所製定的亞洲人種準則,作為代謝症候羣診斷標準。依據病歷記錄及病患個人之移植記錄資料,搜集研究個案之年紀、性別、移植手術日期、手術後追蹤時間、服用免疫抑制藥物之種類、類固醇服用劑量,以及最近三個月之血壓、身高、體重及腰圍,並計算身體質量指數值,並搜集研究個案血清生化值,包括:空腹血糖、三酸甘油酯、高密度脂蛋白膽固醇濃度。 研究結果:腎臟移植病患組與對照組之間的性別(p=0.1171),與年紀(46.9 ± 10.6 vs. 49.3 ± 14.7 歲)均無統計意義。針對PAI-1 4G/5G基因型之分布比例,兩組之間亦無統計意義(腎臟移植組之4G4G:4G5G:5G5G=37.4:45.0:17.5% vs. 對照組之35.2:50.0:14.8%,p= 0.4536)。同樣地,對位基因在兩組之間的出現頻率亦無統計意義(腎臟移植組之4G/5G = 59.9/40.1% vs. 對照組之60.2/39.8%, p = 0.9453)。非常明顯地,代謝症候羣個案組中,符合任何一項組成因子的人數比例,均以懸殊之差距,超過非代謝症候羣個案組。尤其是空腹血糖(86.0% vs. 51.8%)、血壓(84.2% vs. 33.3%)及腰圍(80.7% vs. 28.1%)等三個組成因子項目,代謝症候羣個案組均有超過八成的移植病患符合。相較於非代謝症候羣個案組,代謝症候羣個案組在任何一項組成因子的平均數值,亦與非代謝症候羣個案組有明顯統計意義之差異。代謝症候羣之病患年紀明顯大於無代謝症候羣之病患(51.0 ± 9.7 vs. 44.9 ± 10.6歲,p = 0.0004),但兩組的性別、追蹤時間、免疫抑制劑及類固醇的使用狀況則無統計意義。兩組之間其PAI-1 4G/5G基因型分布亦無統計之差異性存在(代謝症候羣病患之4G4G:4G5G:5G5G= 40.4:38.6:21.1% vs. 無代謝症候羣病患之 36.0:48.3:15.8%; p = 0.4536)。本研究針對PAI-1基因型分組,可分成4G4G(64位)、4G5G(77位)、5G5G(30位)三組比較。總體而言,此三組之間的性別、年紀、追蹤時間,以及免疫抑制藥物或類固醇之使用,均無明顯差異存在。三組之間,符合代謝症候羣的移植病人數目比例並無差異(4G4G:4G5G:5G5G=35.9%:28.6%:40%,p = 0.4536)。即使細分代謝症候羣的組成因子加以比較,三組之間符合單項組成因子之人數比例,依然無統計上之差異。 結論與建議:本研究證明代謝症候羣於腎臟移植病患中相當普遍。但本研究之結果發現PAI-1 4G/5G基因多型性,於腎臟移植病患中與代謝症候羣無關。本研究侷限與可加強之處包括:由於本研究之設計即為橫斷式之方式,並無法完全釐清PAI-1 基因多型性與代謝症候羣之因果關係,前瞻性方式才是理想設計架構。其次,因目前各家學會制定之代謝症候羣診斷標準有別,對於符合代謝症候羣之移植病患盛行率或有差異,或許本研究採用其他診斷標準,則結果可能亦不同。本研究並無檢測PAI-1濃度,亦無檢測腎臟移植病患之腎功能,無法更深入探究PAI-1 基因多型性與代謝症候羣,對於移植新腎功能之影響。希望將來能以前瞻性研究方式,持續收錄個案,同時檢測PAI-1濃度與移植新腎功能,以探討PAI-1 基因多型性與代謝症候羣,對於移植病患個人及移植腎臟之影響。


Background: Metabolic syndrome (MS) is common in renal transplant recipients and contributes great to cardiovascular disease. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) is one of the prominent bioactive mediators in MS. Circulating PAI-1 activity is influenced by PAI-1 4G/5G polymorphism. Such genetic variation of PAI-1 may affect MS development in renal transplant recipients. This study was therefore conducted to determine the association between PAI-1 4G/5G polymorphism and MS in renal transplant recipients. Methods and Materials: This study was a cross-sectional study. The PAI-1 gene polymorphism of 171 renal transplant recipients (male:86;female:85) and 142 healthy subjects with gender and age matched controls was determined using polymerase chain reaction- restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) methods. The diagnosis of MS according to AHA/NHLBI criteria modified for Asians. PAI-1 genotype results were analyzed in relationship to the development of MS and its component traits. The demographic and transplant characteristics were collected and the clinical biochemical data were measured from all enrolled renal transplant recipients. Results: The prevalence of MS in renal transplant recipients was 33.3% with a follow-up duration of 61.2 ± 27.6 months. Allele frequencies of 4G/5G allele were comparable between MS patients and controls (0.60/0.40, p = 0.9453). There was apparently higher percentage of patients meeting each MS component traits in MS group compared to non-MS group, especially in plasma glucose value, blood pressure level and waist circumference. No significant difference was noted in the PAI-1 genotype distribution between renal transplant recipients with and without MS. The percentage of MS patients was not significantly different among three allele groups (4G4G:4G5G:5G5G = 35.9:28.6:40%, p = 0.4536). We could not either find significant difference in percentage of patients meeting each criterion of MS among different PAI-1 genotypes. Conclusions: We showed high prevalence of MS in renal transplant recipients. Our results demonstrated that lack of association between PAI-1 4G/5G gene polymorphism and MS in renal transplant recipients.


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