  • 學位論文


Improvement on obesity by onion drink

指導教授 : 張菡馨 王進崑


中文摘要 有研究指出洋蔥能有效改善一些病變,如:心血管、糖尿病等。但對於肥胖的影響尚未證實。因此,本研究擬探討洋蔥改善肥胖之效果。將洋蔥汁乾燥物與洋蔥含水乙醇萃取物分別以不同濃度介入成熟脂肪細胞(3T3-L1),觀察其影響並分析作用之成分,此外以洋蔥汁進行人體之隨機、平行、雙盲、安慰劑對照組試驗,三十位受試者進行為期十週之試驗,實驗組每日飲用100毫升洋蔥汁,控制組飲用安慰劑飲料。結果顯示,洋蔥汁乾燥物具有抑制成熟脂肪細胞生存率及其酚類、非酚類化合物能減少細胞內脂質之堆積;人體飲用洋蔥汁後,體重、身體質量指數、腰圍、血壓於第八週皆有顯著降低,而體脂肪、纖維蛋白酶原含量與胰島素阻抗性亦有下降趨勢。由本研究可知,洋蔥汁具有改善肥胖之效益,而其酚類與非酚類物質皆扮演著重要角色。


Abstract Onion (Allium cepa. L) has been shown improvements on some diseases (e.g., cardiovascular and diabetes mellitus), but no study was found about obesity. This study was focused on the effect of onion juice for the improvement of obesity. Onion juice extract and ethanolic extract of onion were used to treat mature adipocyte (3T3-L1), the effect and functional components were determined. In addition, a randomized, parallel, placebo-controlled, and double blind design was used for evaluating the clinical effect of onion juice on obesity. The total experiment period was 10 weeks. Total 30 subjects were involved in this study and divided into experimental and placebo groups respectively. Each subject intook 100 mL of onion juice or placebo drink every day. Results showed that onion juice, phenolic fraction and non-phenolic fraction showed inhibition on the viability of mature adipocyte and reduced the accumulation of intracellular lipid. Administration of onion juice significantly decreased body weight, body mass index, waist circumference and blood pressure at week 8. Body fat, serum fibrinogen and insulin resistance were also reduced. In conclusion, onion juice showed improvement on obesity. Phenolic fraction and non-phenolic fraction of onion juice play an important role.


onion phenolics phenolics-free 3T3-L1 adipocyte obesity


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