  • 學位論文

第一部分 人蔘皂苷Rg1對過度運動老鼠心臟重塑訊息傳遞 路徑的影響 第二部分 立夫配方對攝食高膽固醇倉鼠其心肌細胞肥大與凋亡路徑的影響

part I Effects of ginsenoside Rg1 on cardiac remodeling signal pathway (Hypertrophy, Apoptosis, Fibrosis) in overtraining rat models. part II Effects of Li-Fu formula on cardiac Hypertrophy and apoptosis signal pathway in hamsters fed a high- cholesterol diet.

指導教授 : 曾博修


第一部份 過度訓練(Overtraining)是由於運動員在運動訓練與運動後的復原間失去平衡,在生理反應上產生運動能力和抗疲勞能力下降的結果,尤於過度運動將影響運動員在心血管、免疫、呼吸、內分泌等多種系統方面的健康,但相關的病理機制至今仍尚未得到明確的闡明,因此在本篇的研究中,我們欲釐清過度運動對心臟的影響,同時我們也盼望能尋找到適當的補充劑,能改善過度運動對心臟方面的影響,在這麼多種常見的補充劑當中,人蔘是目前最廣為得知具有保護心臟、防止細胞受到自由基的破壞的物質。因此在本實驗中我們將受試老鼠分成六組:控制組(Control,C)、運動訓練組(Exercise,E)、運動後餵食增補劑休息組(Exercise recovery,ER)及Rg1控制組(Control+Rg,Cg)、餵食Rg1加上運動訓練組(Exer cise+Rg1,Eg)、運動後餵食增補劑Rg1組(Exercise recovery+Rg1,ERg),在實驗進行開始首3天先分別給予餵食人蔘皂苷Rg1與水,每日給予的劑量為0.1 mg/kg,之後第四天開始則給予運動訓練,一日二回,以游泳方式進行,運動時間為三個小時,中間休息四十五分鐘,另外,在運動後餵食增補劑休息組(Exercise recovery,ER)及運動後餵食增補劑Rg1組(Exercise recovery+Rg1,ERg)這兩組在運動過後分別餵食葡萄糖及Rg1補充休息。訓練共持續六週,之後再予以解剖犧牲。由研究結果發現這些活動頻繁的運動訓練老鼠與控制組相比,它們在觀察心肌形態、心臟重量和心臟肥大相關的蛋白質表現實驗中,其表現量皆比控制組高,並且伴隨IL6-ERK5、IL6-STAT3、MAPK等訊息路徑活化,同時我們偵測到過度運動訓練會透過mitochondria dependent及death receptor apoptotic pathway,促使心肌細胞走向程序性凋亡,最後我們利用組織切片染Masson’s trichrome,觀察膠原蛋白在細胞外間質(ECM)的分佈情形以及利用Western blotting 觀察基質金屬蛋白酵素MMP2、MMP9的表現量;結果發現經過運動訓練老鼠其MMP 9的表現量與細胞外間質膠原蛋白的分布皆比控制組高。以上種種的現象証明了這樣模式的運動訓練,可能超出了受試動物所能負荷的範圍,造成在心臟功能上,產生負面的影響,因此皆下來我們欲觀察人蔘皂苷Rg1是否具有改善過度運動訓練對心臟所造成的傷害,由研究結果發現人蔘皂苷Rg1確實具有保護心肌細胞的作用,其不僅可以減緩因運動過度對心肌細胞所造成的傷害,並可降低心肌細胞凋亡、纖維化的發生。時至今日,人蔘普遍應用在臨床治療與保健養生中,然而,但卻鮮少有文獻去証明,人蔘對於運動員運動期間產生不同程度的心臟傷害所提供的保護作用與分子機轉的研討,透過本篇研究,可提供運動員另一種天然藥材的選擇,以減輕運動對於身體所造成的影響。 第二部份 冠狀動脈硬化是一種中度慢性發炎反應,在許多國家會造成高死亡率與致病率,其主要的原因與高油高膽固醇飲食及生活形態有關。 立夫配方為陳立夫先生自製治療心肌阻塞的藥方,雖然目前己知立夫配方對調養心臟疾病很有好處,但至今仍尚未有科學上的研究驗証。因此本篇主要的研究目的為以動物實驗模式探討立夫配方之是否是以降低高固醇飲食對心臟造成的傷害,並進一步觀察其分子機轉。由觀察心肌形態、心臟重量和心臟肥大相關的蛋白質表現實驗中,發現餵食高膽固醇飲食的倉鼠其表現量皆比控制組高,並且伴隨訊號傳遞路徑IL6-ERK5、、MAPK中ERK1的活化,另外我們偵測到過度運動訓練會透過 mitochondria dependent apoptotic pathway,促使心肌細胞走向程序性凋亡,這種種的跡象說明了高膽固醇的飲食,對於受試動物的心臟功能間,產生了負面的影響,皆下來我們利用立夫配方,希望可減輕高膽固醇飲食對心臟所造成的影響,結果發現立夫配方確實具有保護心肌細胞的作用,它能減緩因高膽固醇飲食對心肌細胞所造成的傷害,並降低凋亡的發生。


part I To investigate the effect of Ginseng panaxadiol saponin pure compound Rg1 on apoptotic, survival, fibrosis and cardiac hypertrophy mechanisms in overtraining rat models, Sixty Wistar rats were assigned to six groups: control (C) , overload exercise (swimming 2 times for 3 hours/time )(E), overload exercise followed by recovery (ER), Rg1 control (Cg), treatment with Rg1 plus endurance exercise (Eg) and treatment with Rg1 plus endurance exercise followed by recovery (ERg). Cg, Eg and ERg rats were sequential fed with ginseng Rg1(0.1mg/kg) twice/day for three days, and in the 4th day animals swim for another 2 times (3 hours/time) and then fed with a high carbohydrate diet, followed by recovery. Results show that a significant reduction in cardiac hypertrophy and decreased proteins level in both death receptor and mitochondrial pathways in Eg rats as compared with E rats. In addition endurance exercise caused more prominent cardiac fibrosis accompanied with high activation of MMP9 and decreased the levels of MMP inhibitors TIMP2 in E rats than those of Eg rats. It concluded that overtraining could induce serious impairment on cardiac injury, but Rg1 can improve cardiac function and positively prevent cardiac injury caused by overtraining. part II High blood lipid and oxidation of low-density lipoprotein(LDL) have been known to play important roles in atherosclerosis, which could lead to coronary and cerebral vascular disease, the leading cause of mortality in Taiwan. Li-Fu formula(composed of celery, black fungus, mushroom, saliva miltior rhiza, crataegi cuneata and stragali radix) is one of the represent tative formulas for blood activating in traditional Chinese medicine and may play rolesin anti-hypertension, lipid lowering, diuresis, and improvement of cardiac function.the function of the meLi-Fu formula is not that the science tests, the mechanism has not been known. To investigate the effect of Li-Fu formula on apoptotic, survival and cardiac hypertrophy mechanisms in cardiomyocyte of hasmster fed with a high cholesterol diet. For an 8 week feed period, 24 male Golden Syrian hamsters (7 week old ) were randomly assigned to seven diet groups, including control 0.2% cholesterol, 2% Li-Fu formula. Results show that a significant reduction in cardiac hypertrophy and decreased proteins level in both death receptor and mitochondrial pathways in Li-Fu formula hamsters as compared with 2%cholesterol hamsters. We suggested that Li-Fu formula may be useful for prevention of cardiovascular disease.


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